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Whenever I am looking for free advice or help from complete strangers I always preface my question with a "could someone help me please".


And I normally don't provide my 2 cents unless they're asked for. Thanks for coming to play though. Take care, you won't be replied to past this point.

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How bout you hold your breath until someone comes along who doesn't realize that you are complete arrogant DB who is FOS (it's a medical term look it up) and helps you out.


You are just a pro at making friends, I bet you have a great life full of people who are close to you and respect you for the tool that we just can't seem to appreciate online. Here is some more unsolicited advice: save your money and pick a different career, because even if you manage to get an interview at some backwoods diploma mill in the Caribbean I doubt you can hide that winning personality of yours during an interview.


I'm going to go back to studying now knowing that you won't respond, hopefully no one else comes along and gives you the attention mommy and daddy never did.



I wanna meet you in person :D


OP, why is it that every single thread you've started has ended up with arguments, from different members. You really need to fix your attitude before asking for advice here. No one here is obligated to give you advice so saying things like "please" or "thank you for your input" is something you need to learn to say on a public forum. I'm sure you say those words a lot in your everyday face to face interactions.


I'll answer your question though. Check with the admission of every school.

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I wanna meet you in person :D


OP, why is it that every single thread you've started has ended up with arguments, from different members. You really need to fix your attitude before asking for advice here. No one here is obligated to give you advice so saying things like "please" or "thank you for your input" is something you need to learn to say on a public forum. I'm sure you say those words a lot in your everyday face to face interactions.


I'll answer your question though. Check with the admission of every school.


Whoever that pathetic whiner is complaining about me not speaking ever so politely to their delicate sensitivities needs a reality check. It's the internet, It's a message board. This is about as impersonal as interaction gets. The object of the forum is to gain information, and give information, not make BFFs. So to answer your question, besides not having a clue why this sadsack whiner is whining, there haven't been "fights" in the threads. The other thread was a person attacking me for my motives about medical school and pretty much the entire thread said he was being an idiot. As for internet pissing matches, I don't take part, but this idiot Para D can gladly banter away.


Thanks for the "reply", and keep your advice to yourself unless you're specifically asked. I don't care much for moral advice, or personality advice. I simply care about facts and numbers. If have facts or numbers about medical school, that's good. Information would be welcome. If you're gonig to be a little girl abotu things and complain about someones "internet personality", you seriously need help.

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I wanna meet you in person :D


OP, why is it that every single thread you've started has ended up with arguments, from different members. You really need to fix your attitude before asking for advice here. No one here is obligated to give you advice so saying things like "please" or "thank you for your input" is something you need to learn to say on a public forum. I'm sure you say those words a lot in your everyday face to face interactions.


I'll answer your question though. Check with the admission of every school.


I said I wouldn't respond, but this is beyond a level of lameness that would prevent me from LOLing. Take care.

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Whoever that pathetic whiner is complaining about me not speaking ever so politely to their delicate sensitivities needs a reality check. It's the internet, It's a message board. This is about as impersonal as interaction gets. The object of the forum is to gain information, and give information, not make BFFs.[/Quote]


I'm sure you won't have a problem getting information from a random forum on the net where idiots chat about random $hit. You won't even need to be polite there so you'll fit in just right. But you are dealing with more intelligent people on this forum. It seems you'll fit in well with the idiots, because you haven't fit in well here.


So to answer your question, besides not having a clue why this sadsack whiner is whining, there haven't been "fights" in the threads. [/Quote]


I never said fights, I said arguments. You need to comprehend things first before you open your mouth.



The other thread was a person attacking me for my motives about medical school and pretty much the entire thread said he was being an idiot. As for internet pissing matches, I don't take part, but this idiot Para D can gladly banter away.


If you think this is just a forum and it is as impersonal as an interaction can get, why did you get offended/mad/whateveryouwannacallit by jerkstore's comment? Again you need to check with yourself first before writing. Clearly you don't agree with yourself so you shouldn't be surprised if no body here is agreeing with you.


Thanks for the "reply", and keep your advice to yourself unless you're specifically asked.


No problem. Next time make sure you specify whom you want to answer your question. That was the most idiotic reply I've ever seen on here. LOL.


I don't care much for moral advice, or personality advice. I simply care about facts and numbers. If have facts or numbers about medical school, that's good. Information would be welcome. If you're gonig to be a little girl abotu things and complain about someones "internet personality", you seriously need help.


YOU are asking a question and I need help. You need to get your logic fixed. I know far more information about med school admission than you'll probably ever gain. So clearly I don't need help. You mention little girl, reminded me of you in your other thread.


And as my last response to you, just like you always mention it yourself at the end of every one of your gibberish posts, GOOD LUCK TO YOU.

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I'm sure you won't have a problem getting information from a random forum on the net where idiots chat about random $hit. You won't even need to be polite there so you'll fit in just right. But you are dealing with more intelligent people on this forum. It seems you'll fit in well with the idiots, because you haven't fit in well here.




I never said fights, I said arguments. You need to comprehend things first before you open your mouth.





If you think this is just a forum and it is as impersonal as an interaction can get, why did you get offended/mad/whateveryouwannacallit by jerkstore's comment? Again you need to check with yourself first before writing. Clearly you don't agree with yourself so you shouldn't be surprised if no body here is agreeing with you.




No problem. Next time make sure you specify whom you want to answer your question. That was the most idiotic reply I've ever seen on here. LOL.




YOU are asking a question and I need help. You need to get your logic fixed. I know far more information about med school admission than you'll probably ever gain. So clearly I don't need help. You mention little girl, reminded me of you in your other thread.


And as my last response to you, just like you always mention it yourself at the end of every one of your gibberish posts, GOOD LUCK TO YOU.




lol you think I'm gonna read all that crap?

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LOL, but to be fair it's not like you are expected to be able to read if you want to be in med.


If you read my response to OP, you would've seen that he's lacking in reading/comprehension. This is a good start for him to learn how to improve those skills if he wants to get into med :D I hear those are valuable skills to have to do well on the MCAT :D

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If you read my response to OP, you would've seen that he's lacking in reading/comprehension. This is a good start for him to learn how to improve those skills if he wants to get into med :D I hear those are valuable skills to have to do well on the MCAT :D



Lol, so lame.


Continue though, it's interesting seeing two sadsacks make each other feel better.

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