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Statistical Analysis Support


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Hi everyone,


I am working on some data analysis using SPSS. I am pretty new to this and I am not sure if I am doing my analysis correctly or how to interpret the results properly from the output. I have been going through some books and tutorials. I was wondering if there is anyone here who has experience/expertise in statistical analysis using SPSS who can help me out. I would really appreciate any help.


I think it might be best if you can PM me with an email ID and I can send you a sample data file that I am using or even the output file that I have from what I have done so far so that you can have a better idea of what I am looking at.



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  • 4 months later...

what field, type of problems, i haven't used spss in a bit but i know it really well, and could prob help after doing a refresher myself... if you could pm me what you're testing for spec, what problems you're having, field, etc. i could pm you back if i can help w/ an email... no promises on response time tho, prob least a week since im pretty busy this week


Hi everyone,


I am working on some data analysis using SPSS. I am pretty new to this and I am not sure if I am doing my analysis correctly or how to interpret the results properly from the output. I have been going through some books and tutorials. I was wondering if there is anyone here who has experience/expertise in statistical analysis using SPSS who can help me out. I would really appreciate any help.


I think it might be best if you can PM me with an email ID and I can send you a sample data file that I am using or even the output file that I have from what I have done so far so that you can have a better idea of what I am looking at.



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the problem is that SPSS gives you so much stuff but really all your sentence needs is like an F value and a p-value to make your point.


so think about the type of analysis you are doing. it's really easy to get carried away with SPSS. i could do 20 diff analyses and give you back 20 pages of output. take a step back and ask yourself what you want to compare and then test it. Are you comparing one variable and how it is different across groups (then use regular ANOVA)? Are you comparing multiple dependent variables (then use a MANOVA)?


cross ref with a textbook regarding the outputs - so for SPSS, check out Andy Field's book which can help you decipher those bloody output analyses you get when you do a MANOVA.

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lol, i did it for multiple papers without any authorship, i didnt care much, i just wanted to not deal with scut work and work half days... honestly 3rd author on some field i dont care about yeahhhhhh, ill take getting off at noon


OP, will you be giving due credit to the person who helps you with this? Most would agree that interpretation of statistical results is a pretty substantial component of a paper...
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