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CASPer and spellcheck

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I noticed that there wasn't spellcheck in the long answer parts of OMSAS which got me wondering about CASPer. I thought I remembered a post discussing this but in searching I couldn't find it. I know that things like spelling and grammar aren't supposed to matter but I think spelling errors can bias markers in a negative way even if it's not their intent.


Is there spellcheck?

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No website can have a spell check; that depends on your browser. If you are concerned, find a browser that can spell check for you.


I suppose you could do it with javascript and ajax etc (say tinyMCE with the proper extensions) but it isn't worth the effort and will undoubtably break on someones machine and cause problems :)

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You will not have time to copy and paste, and usually those functions are disabled anyway. Don't worry about spelling! It's not that important. The content of the answers is what is important! I can also second google chrome spellchecking automatically :) Good luck guys!

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From the CASPer 2012 Instructions:


"There are no right or wrong answers. Spelling and grammatical errors will not be specifically counted in the evaluation of responses. However, evaluators DO need to be able to understand your responses."


So basically a few spelling mistakes here and there won't be the end of the world. I think they are more concerned with what you write. They know you only have a few minutes per section.

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