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How to start your own research! The books


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You can find helpful info about how to start your own research in my blog (http://www.md-researcher.blogspot.com) Please subscribe


Undoubtedly, one of the most common questions that we do daily as medical students and even as recent graduates is: How to start research? There are several ways to resolve this question. I'll explain several steps that will be useful to start developing your own research. The method that I applied to start research is reading several books about research methodology. Clearly, It helped me a lot, however it requires a lot of perseverance and determination (Yes, most of these books are boring!). Here I present a list of several books and guides I think are the best ones:


"Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners" Ranjit Kumar. - You can buy it on Amazon or eBay. It summarizes step by step how to develop your own research project. Link: http://books.google.com.ec/books?id=x_kp__WmFzoC&lpg=PR3&pg=PR3 # v = OnePage & q & f = false


"Epidemiology" of Gordis. - This popular book is written by the award-winning teacher, Dr. Leon Gordis of the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. He introduces the basic principles and concepts of epidemiology in clear, concise writing and his inimitable style. This book provides an understanding of the key concepts in the following 3 fully updated sections: Section I: The Epidemiologic Approach to Disease and Intervention; Section II: Using Epidemiology to Identify the Causes of Disease; Section III: Applying Epidemiology to Evaluation and Policy. Clear, practical graphs and charts, cartoons, and review questions with answers reinforce the text and aid in comprehension. Link: http://www.amazon.com/Epidemiology-4th-Leon-Gordis/dp/1416040021


"Practical Guide to Health Research" by Mahmoud Fatalla.- This guide is very detailed and complete. However, the language is not quite understandable. But It is avaiblable for free download in PDF format. Link: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/emro/2004/9290213639.pdf


"Research Methodology" by Roberto Hernandez Sampieri. - In Spanish. It's written in a very understandable language. Available for everyone online at this link: http://www.upsin.edu.mx/mec/digital/metod_invest.pdf

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The rise of e-books in American culture is part of a larger story about a shift from printed to digital material. Using a broader definition of e-content in a survey ending in December 2011, some 43% of Americans age 16 and older say they have either read an e-book in the past year or have read other long-form content such as magazines, journals, and news articles in digital format on an e-book reader, tablet computer, regular computer, or cell phone.

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