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Thoughts on CASPer

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I also thought it was pretty fun. The other videos were much better (at least in my opinion) than the sample videos.


Well, time to start waiting. Other than submitting my UofA application which has been done for weeks, I'm finally done everything for my applications. It's a weird feeling.


I hear ya. Waiting sucks.

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This was really enjoyable; however, I did have a few difficulties with speed, and some of the videos were cutting too much all the way through (despite my very fast connection). I unfortunately left 1 box completely unanswered. Many of the last 2 boxes had just 1 or 2 sentence long answers lol (how many points do you think 1-2 sentences can yield?). I felt I did alright overall though.

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Woo, glad to be done! Feeling very lucky to not have had any technical difficulties, I can't imagine how stressful it would be dealing with those! I have absolutely no idea how it went, but although the time was quick I felt alright? I was able to respond to all of the questions, although some were definitely better than others haha.


Now, we wait! Good luck to everyone. :D

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I wonder how they standardize casper. Are we scored relative to people who were asked our questions only?


One would hope so, but we don't really know. I have read some studies done by Mac about admissions, and I gather from those studies that statistical analyses are important to the admissions process.

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