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UBC interview questions

Guest Plug Dis

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Guest Plug Dis

Those of you who interviewed at UBC could you please post some of the questions you were asked as I believe UoFT and Western use the same technique....which I don't particularly believe in. Thanks Y'all.

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Guest toothy

UofT and UWO are both using the CDA standardized interview questions, which include Qs like, what would you do if a classmate was cheating, talk about a time when you demonstrated leadership, etc... situational stuff, as opposed to open ended questions where you can describe yourself.

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Guest bcdentalgirl

-why dentistry?

-where do you see yourself in 5 years? In ten years?

-you are scheduled for a job interview that will take place on a conference call, how would you prepare?

-tell us about a time when you made a promise to someone and you broke that promise. Would you make the same promise again? How would you do things differently?

-We all have examples of situations where "if I knew then what I know now". Tell us about a situation like that in your experience. Give an example of how you apply the new knowledge in your life today.

-Tell us about a time when someone was upset/angry because of something you did. How did you handle it? Did you feel like you were in control?


There were a couple more that I can't think of...

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Guest Plug Dis

See at UofT last year I didn't get a single question where I could talk about me....I didn't get

Why dentistry

Where do you see yourself

or any question like that

I got stuff like...give me a situation in your life...where this happened and what did you do. ALL MY QUESTIONS WERE LIKE THAT ....Trust me its nothing like a normal interview like McGill where they don't act like robots in response to your answers...I hated the feeling at UOFT last year....pure BULL%$$%.

Anyways thanks for the info. By the way, these interviews are highly subjective as I finished number 1 on the list at McGill, where interview is worth the most, and number 49 on the waitinglist at UoFT where the interview is worth approx 20%(and I had a 3.87 GPA.....I'm sorry something was going on last year but I don't know what it was).....Maybe I was too good looking for UofT...haha


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Guest ubcdent

hey bcdentalgirl,


how long were your answers for your interview questions...i felt that my interview went weird because they kept on pushing me for more...anyways...i'm officially rejected due to my horrible interview score and they would not consider me further...otherwise i had a good percentile for the DAT and GPA.

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Guest bcdentalgirl

I can't say exactly how long each individual answer was but the interview itself was about an hour. There was one question where they asked "is that all?", but for the most part I went on a bit (in fact, I kind of felt like I rambled).


I'm really sorry to hear that you didn't get in. Did you apply elsewhere?

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Guest ubcdent

no...i did not apply elsewhere........i'm only in 3rd year.....i figure i'll apply again in my 5th year when i'm done w/ my degree...i really want to stay home and be at ubc...and i only have one more chance for interview, so i'll wait another 2 years to get more life experience...in retrospect...i think the main thing that went wrong in the interview was not incorporating my life experience into the answers...so my answers were too short...


But anyways...i hope i'll see you in dental school sometime in the future....


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Guest kkarebear

hey guys.. I'm sorry to hear about ubc.. ubcdent. Hopefully next time :) As far as the interview goes... I don't think it's necessary to incorporate any life experiences into your answers at all and I think it's really hard to do so as well unless they ask you for a particular experience. All of my questions were situational questions, I didn't have any of name a time in your past when this or that happened. Nor did I get "why dentistry" or anything relating to me except..... what experience do you have in the dental field. I think it really depends on who your interviewers are and I think that based on how you answer certain questions, is how they decide what to ask you next. I noticed that they tried to stump me and see if I would answer a similar question differently.

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Guest ubcdent

are you saying the interviewers gave you two similar situations and see if you would deal w/ them differently? i had two questions where they ask me give a situation where...........and i think i did not give a very good example....even one of the interviewers said that and i had to think of another situation...sigh.:x

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Guest kkarebear

yes... sadly I think it's true ubcdent. I didn't realize it until after the interview! First they asked me how would I react if I received lower marks than other members on a group assignment, having contributed substantially and then later, they asked me if I had worked really hard on a paper and thought that I did well but we I get it back, there are a lot of negative comments by the professor.. what would I do? No realizing anything, I answered the questions very differently, but maybe it wasn't a trick... I guess it depends on how you answer them. :\

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Guest ubcdent

as you know, ubc dentistry limits interviews to two only. but one can apply as many times as they want...does this make any sense? If one doesn't get in after two interviews, can I say getting into ubc is doomed??? does anyone here know people who got into ubc dent after more than 2 tries?

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Guest vic chick

I know somebody who applied once - no interview, applied last year - interviewed, applied this year - accepted. I think they got screwed last year with the change in application dates and therefore the DAT score they could use. But it can and has been done. I think that it's a matter of looking at why you didn't get in. If it's something like a bad interview or DAT score, then your chances of improving are pretty good. If all these were good and it's GPA, then it might not be so easy to turn things around.

In the end, it comes down to how much you want to make it happen. You might be right on the cut off line one year but good the next. Again, it's a good opportunity to re-evaluate things and try again if that's what you really want.

Hope this helps :\

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