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GPA calculation

Guest dentalangel

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Guest dentalangel

Hi I was wondering if anyone can answer my question. I know that U of T bases G.P.A on their scale rather than OMSAS scale, however I attend York, where A-, B-, C-, etc do not exist as they exist in U of T. According to U of T, an A- is 80-84 (3.7) and an A is 85 + (4.0), since York does not have an A-, an A at york means anywhere between 80-89. York does not indicate the percentage given in a course, so for example if I got an 88 or an 83, an A would be used to indicate both. How does U of T deal with this, do they just give York Students a 4 for every A they get?

Does anyone have any idea?

Thank you.

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  • 3 weeks later...

dentalangel, if nobody here has the answer to your question then you should try finding out from someone at York, where there are certainly lots of people who know.


You could try YPMS (the York premedical society), their website is http://www.yorku.ca/ypms


You could try the SOS (a peer-advising service for Science students), their address is http://www.yorku.ca/sos


You could try SAS (Science Academic Services), their office is in the computer science building.


Or, you could always just email U of T and ask them, they'll know for sure...

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