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'Sociopathic' animal killer to be released on probation...


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Well what would you rather be the punishment for her? You can't indefinitely detain someone just because they've threatened to kill people.

She's quite obviously mentally ill so I resent you calling her a sick disgusting person. Besides the point, her only real crime was killing animals for which she was detained for 6 months. It's not like they just decided to not incarcerate her, the trial took so long that by the end they realized she'd been kept captive for whatever amount of time (if not longer) they were going to send her to jail for.

They also set out so many rules for her... manditory psychiatric help, they're going to monitor and tell the community about her. I don't really see what else could be done here, they're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Although I would be for the typical sex offender procedure- knocking on all of your neighbours' doors and telling them what you would do to them.

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She should be required to visit her probation officer every day and it should be revoked at the first sign of potential trouble. She is a disaster waiting to happen, a ticking time bomb. Harm to animals is not treated seriously by our criminal justice system. Protection of society should be the primary consideration.

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