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Advice? Non-elgible for external funding due to low GPA


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Hey guys,


I'm a 3rd year undergrad studying microbiology (will be extending it to 5 years, however). I've been wanting to do research for some time now, however, I feel like my GPA is preventing me from reaching this goal. I have 2.4 overall, or, 2.6 for my last 20 or so courses (I know, it's pretty much in the gutter right now). As a result, I can't apply for external funding because most require you to have a minimum B average to even be considered.


A lot of people recommended me ask professors about volunteering, which I have, but unfortunately most are hoping for students with some sort of funding and simply do not have the room to take on volunteers. At this point, I'm not exactly sure what to do. I do plan on emailing more professors, but I'm not exactly how I should go about doing this any more. I'm not sure if I should pursue those I have already messaged + recommended external funding.


I also realize some professors are able to provide for students themselves, however, I feel like they wouldn't pick me just because I don't have anything to particularly "show off"; I have a low GPA, no research experience, no volunteer hours, rewards of any sort, and my transcript doesn't even show improvement (grades have been up and down since first year, actually). Obviously not the best situation here. People have also recommended doing research outside my institute, but it's a bit too early for that right now (most postings don't pop up until spring).


I don't know. My goal at this point is obviously raising my GPA, but I just feel really discouraged especially since I'm a little halfway through my degree and still have zero experience.


Any input would be greatly appreciated, though. Thanks.

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Try looking into research courses. You would probably be able to find a prof to take you on during the year if you convince them that you will work hard and your GPA doesn't accurately reflect your academic/research abilities.


I would recommend stating straight up whenever you contact professors that your GPA is low and as such you won't qualify for external funding, but it is not reflective of your work ethic or abilities. I don't really understand what the profs are saying - that they have no room for volunteers and want people who can get external funding instead? If they have room for those people, they have room for volunteers, and it shouldn't make a difference to the prof whether their undergrad is getting paid or not. Probably they are worried about how well you will do or your work ethic. Make a case to convince them otherwise. You may have to contact many professors, but look into their research and write nice, personalized emails to each one and sound capable and interested in what they are doing.


BTW, are you talking about doing research during the year or during the summer?

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Hi, thanks kindly for the response.


To answer your question, I wanted to do research over the summer.


Fortunately, courses are offered and was something I was considering. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if it's offered in the summer or if you have to carry on with a project you started with. The information I've been able to find has been a bit confusing but either way, it's something I'm looking into.


Perhaps I was jumping to conclusions, but I agree with what you said. I know a lot of professors are hesitant on taking volunteers just because they don't know if a student will stay or bail halfway through.


I do plan on inquiring about volunteer positions but I'm not exactly sure how I should go about doing this now. Would you recommend mentioning everything by email? Or by person? Though I suppose it depends on how busy the professor is. Not to mention, I'm not sure if I should try to "warm up" to professors a bit first (eg. not even inquire about a summer position but rather, just their projects and what not first).


Thanks again for your reply.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry but profs generally won't even bother to consider students with a GPA that low. It's an indicator flag to them.


Exception: unless they know you somehow OR they have seen you try really really hard AND you have a real interest in their research work. Even then, "most" research groups won't bother with a GPA that low.

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