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I'm pretty sure your status will remain as "Ready for Review" until they release the interview invitations (sometime on Feb 4th), at which point it will probably change to something along the lines of 'supplemental documents required' (if you got an interview). The supplemental documents being two pieces of photo ID I believe.

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I've just checked, and my status has changed to 'refused'. I'm not too surprised, I'm OOP, and despite currently attending McGill, my 3.81 and 36Q were obviously not sufficient. I thought I wrote some decent essays though, but I'm not sure if they were even read...


They do read it. I got called saying that they missed my last paragraph (problem with the pdf). They asked me to send it back.

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I think it is more likely that they are going down some sort of list... last year invite emails went out late at night, I am assuming that they will continue to update rejections throughout the day and then later this evening email those invited. Nerve racking indeed.


I'm still waiting.... still says Ready for Review

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I don't get why it's going to take a day to put in all the 'rejected' statuses. Lets say they have ~10 MD-CDN spots and lets say theres like 150 interviews or something...Don't they just have to reject 850 all at once? They obviously already know who they are rejecting and who they are inviting

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