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Chemistry and Prep Course at same time?


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I am writing my MCAT this summer but have no previous chemistry experience (well a bit in bio and physiology) but would like to take a course so I a) get it as a pre-req B) know the material. The Chem X/Y course I would be taken is from 9-2:30 most days (including lab which is 3 hours for 2-3 times a week) from May 6th-June 21st. The prep course I would like to take is in the evenings (MTWR) from 6:30-9pm May 14th-July 28th. This gives me four hours to brush up on what I learned in Chem that day as well as review for the prep-course. I will be dedicating one weekend day to a practice MCAT test.


Is this too ambitious? Will I have enough time to do the prep course, as well as chemistry?


EDIT: I also wanted to add that the labs would only be 2-3 times a week.

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It's definitely possible if you're able to motivate yourself to work hard. There are several people on this site that studied for the MCAT (with a prep course) while holding NSERC positions.


and in this case there is even more overlap - the chem course is helping you to prepare after all.

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Thanks for your replies. I will also be working (only 6-9 hours a week) and continuing my EC's as much as I can, so it won't just be chemistry and prep course.

I guess I am more concerned about going over chemistry stuff in the prep course before actually learning it in class. But I'm sure there are others in my situation as well!

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