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Interview dates

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According to Ottawa U's website, interview periods extend from Feb-March.




At the very least, my interview date is March 26th.


If your interview date is on the 26th, does that not mean that your interview falls on a weekday? It was my understanding that they held interviews on weekends only. I may have been wrong.

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If your interview date is on the 26th, does that not mean that your interview falls on a weekday? It was my understanding that they held interviews on weekends only. I may have been wrong.


They definitely hold interviews during the week (mine is March 21st)

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If your interview date is on the 26th, does that not mean that your interview falls on a weekday? It was my understanding that they held interviews on weekends only. I may have been wrong.


Ottawa, unfortunately/ inconveniently, do hold interviews on weekdays.

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