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Ranking dilemmas


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With the CaRMS ROL submission deadline approaching fast, I'm guessing everyone is scrambling to make-up their minds.

I'm starting this thread to help people decide between hard choices.


My own dilemma:

Which would you rank higher and why, Toronto Radiology OR McGill Radiology?


Looking forward to hearing about other dilemmas! ;)

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Depends on where you are from and your future plans, I really liked McGill's rads program [every graduate from that program is very solid and ends up with exceptional fellowship programs]; if I had family/roots there, it would not hesitate to rank it in my top 2-3 b.c you are guaranteed to go to an amazing fellowship (they have great connections with Resnick, Harvard etc etc)


Mine is Dal vs. Mac vs Western...

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Tough one... I'm sort of torn between by top 3 as well....this is my question: is it advantageous to rank a program with more positions higher on the list? For instance, program A has 3 spots and program B has 1 spot. In my opinion it's a higher match probability if I ranked program A higher... Thoughts?

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You cannot influence your chance of matching by changing your rank order. You will match at your highest ranked program that has space for you based on THE PROGRAM's rank order. The only thing that should go into your rank list decisions are your actual preferences. There is no way to strategically rank.

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Tough one... I'm sort of torn between by top 3 as well....this is my question: is it advantageous to rank a program with more positions higher on the list? For instance, program A has 3 spots and program B has 1 spot. In my opinion it's a higher match probability if I ranked program A higher... Thoughts?


That is an incorrect understanding of how the match works. Rank the programs in the order that you prefer. That is the only thing you should be considering. Thinking about anything else will only get you ranked at a less desireable program.


In other words, if you like B better than A, then rank B first regardless how many spots either of them has.


The following is how the match algorithm works.



The computer randomly selects an applicant. It looks at their top ranked program, lets call it "A". The computer then looks up A's rank list. If that applicant is anywhere on A's list (regardless of how many actual positions A has), that applicant is 'tentatively matched' to A. If A does not rank this applicant, the computer does the same with the applicant's second ranked program. This continues until the applicant is 'tentatively matched' or the list is exhausted.


The computer then moves on to the next applicant and does the exact same thing.


After all applicants have been 'tentatively matched' (or exhausted their lists), the computer looks at how many seats each program. Lets say A has 3 seats, but ranked 15 people. Therefore 15 people could have 'tentatively matched to A. The top three ranked by A are now 'Perminately matched' and drop out of the algorithm. The rest of the 12 are now 'unmatched' and released back into the algorithm.


The entire cycle repeats again (now with significantly less applicants and less available programs).


These cycles continue until either all applicants are 'perminately matched' or have exhausted their lists.



The above algorithm was created by Lloyd Shapley and modified by Alvin Roth, both of whom won the Nobel Prize in Economics in 2012 for inventing this algorithm.

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That is great! you can't go wrong with Toronto as your number 1 choice! :)


and I agree with you. Although it is too late to make changes now :s


I put Toronto before McGill :)


Btw I thought Western had probably more contacts to other programs in Ontario than say Dal... and after residency is done it's all about connections to get a job :)

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