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MCAT After 2nd or 3rd Year, your opinion?


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The answers to a lot of that can be found here https://www.aamc.org/students/applying/mcat/


Also, some of the material can be found online, but seriously materials will need to be purchased. Purchasing the physical science and chem books soon should be fine, but the major changes to the MCAT in 2015 mean that he verbal materials will be useless (it's gone after 2015) so new materials will be made available.


I was partial to Examkrackers, but it does require a strong background in the sciences.


However, don't worry too much right now...focus during first and second year on getting as high a GPA as possible while also getting out there and doing some ECs...studying for your classes will be your MCAT studying during this time. Then start specific MCAT studying maybe January in the year you want to write it, that will give you around 6 months of prep (obviously the last month or so should have the most time devoted).





Thank you for taking the time to give me all of this information. You mentioned the MCAT is changing subsequently to 2015. It's to my understanding they are eradicating the written part of the exam and putting in a social/psychological science part. Any idea on how to prepare for that area of the test?

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I know man but it say's right on the AAMC's website that they are taking the essay portion of the exam out and switching it with social and psychological sciences. I just want people's opinion on how to prepare for that.


take psych 101 and soc 101 - they kind of imply that on the site.


Trouble is no one yet is too clear about those new sections. What would be nice is a 2015 practise test to work though. That would crystallize what we are dealing with a bit :)

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Let's just let the prep companies do their job. They'll definitely have some of their 'scouts' take several of the tests in 2013/2014 in order to make appropriate materials for 2015. I'm sure they won't disappoint us, especially since there's a lot of money in it for them (considering everyone will need new materials for the 2015 test)

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The new test doesn't come out until 2015, AAMC wouldn't pre-release the new exam format + questions to the companies first.


AAMC doesn't have to release anything. The new section is in the 2013/2014 version of the test, they just don't count for marks. I guarantee the prep companies are already working on new materials.

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Hey guy's


I read an interesting forum where someone said he strongly believes in taking the MCAT after second year because all of the material is fresh. It actually makes a lot of sense.


Do you guy's think it's better to take it after 2nd year or 3rd year? (given the fact that you are a "traditional" student")


Definitely 3rd year in my opinion. Forget material, it's gonna take you a summer of discipline. SO, do it when you are at you BEST in school and you are comfortable getting straight A's. Longer you wait the better in my opinion as long as it doesn't get in the way of other things.

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Deriving equations since I don't memorize them.


On a timed test you are going to derive from first principles using calculus the laws of motion? :)


and energy

and optics

and electric circuits......


You know I have only used out side of school calculus once in the real world. I did just so I could say I used calculus one in a real work application :)

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Well clearly you took the electronic test and not the paper test.


Well, obviously... The MCAT has exclusively been an electronic test since 2007.


You need to stop talking about things you know nothing about - which, btw, seems to be a lot.



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