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Robin Hood

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I'm still waiting on my chem and physics marks.


While I realize it won't actually make a difference, I still just keep refreshing the page somehow hoping it'll be there even though it wasn't two minutes ago.


If I'm this bad about marks, med school apps are going to drive me insane.

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That sucks. :( I'm SO glad I go to a university where the marks aren't curved.


Three of my four final marks have been posted (one of my courses is double-weighted, so I still have a full course load). Two A+ and one A (and one of the A+ is in the double-weighted course - actual grade is 97, and the other A+ is a 98). My food microbiology course, which was the only one I was worried about, ended up as an 86, so an A. I knew it would be a challenging course, but it was a better to do that than to re-take an introductory microbiology course.


Have a good day all!


Congrats. Those are some great marks!


I'm still waiting on my chem and physics marks.


While I realize it won't actually make a difference, I still just keep refreshing the page somehow hoping it'll be there even though it wasn't two minutes ago.


If I'm this bad about marks, med school apps are going to drive me insane.


Haha, I do the same.

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I'm still waiting on my chem and physics marks.


While I realize it won't actually make a difference, I still just keep refreshing the page somehow hoping it'll be there even though it wasn't two minutes ago.


If I'm this bad about marks, med school apps are going to drive me insane.


Hehe, I know what you mean. I checked my marks first thing this morning when I woke up. Although I haven't been constantly refreshing throughout the day, I have been checking periodically between meetings and appointments.


And lo and behold, my last mark is up. A 95. :) So three A+s (actually four, due to the double-weighted course) and one A. Unfortunately, the A is a 3.9 instead of a 4.0 according to the OMSAS conversion for my university, but I'm still happy. Especially since none of these courses were "easy" or "bird" courses - all were third and fourth year core courses or restricted electives for my program.


Now assuming I don't get accepted to medical school this year, I only have one course left to worry about - it's known as the "restaurant course" and I'll be taking it in the fall, as it is required to become a registered dietitian. It basically involves running a real, working restaurant in the School of Hospitality and Tourism. The prof is one of those who believes that "excellent" work deserves marks in the high 70s, and 80s are reserved for truly extraordinary work. He doesn't believe in giving 90s. *sigh* It's a double-weighted course to boot, so it really sucks. :( That will end up being the lowest mark of my nutrition degree. The other courses I would be taking in the fall I'm not worried about at all.

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side note, i dont know how people can be bored in the summer, so many things to do. People that complain they are bored because they dont have school or work must not be living life.


Totally it. I can't even imagine a world where I am bored. If I am bored, I am on here or I am reading. I don't even remember the last time I used the word "bored."


Something on the lines of this;



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Totally it. I can't even imagine a world where I am bored. If I am bored, I am on here or I am reading. I don't even remember the last time I used the word "bored."


Something on the lines of this;




:S I'm confused. You seem to be on here a lot, so wouldn't that mean that you are, in fact, frequently bored?

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:S I'm confused. You seem to be on here a lot, so wouldn't that mean that you are, in fact, frequently bored?


But do I complain? No, I fill my "spare time / boredom" with things. Thus, I don't complain about it and nobody knows that I "am bored." The whole point of my comment was insinuating..if you're bored, there is a lot of things to preoccupy yourself with.

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^try listening to my ex girlfriend and you would be glad you are alone. When she is around I can already tell my ears will be bleeding from listening to her.


or try listening to my father. picks the stupidest fights, i want a 30 dollar drip coffee maker (not a fan of the tassimo), he tells me doesn't want to spend more money on another appliance. So he tells me to go buy it myself so i do with the money he gives me....

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Spring cleaning time! I've two weeks before my summer research project starts, so time to clean the house and get organized before that starts. I'll also be taking a public health course this summer, and that starts May 9th.


Have a good day all!


Gotta love spring cleaning time. Garage sales??

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As I watch the medical students prancing around the hospital with their hospital attire or professional clothing, I become quite jealous. They have pagers! How cool! Being a med student must be so cool! They get to suture vaginas post-delivery and uterus' during C-sections!


And they are destined for a high-paying job while we (atleast most of us here) are wasting our time throught undergrad learn useless stuff which may not help us find a job (unless you major in something like Engineering)

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hate my sister in highschool (brb bf here all the time, brb getting my rents to do stuff for her bf, brb acting like an entitled *****)


"you can't talk about that while i am eating...i am not eating anymore"

"urgh nothing to eat in this house can we go out to eat"

"michael kors bag, OMG! guess watch, OMG!"

"need a prom dress urgh"

"you can't scoop that I am taking a picture of it....you just ruined my photo"

"that girl is so ugly"


note to ciel: if you were in my situation you would wish you were alone, rather than have my sister around. she is the worst.


she points out all my flaws if i dont already see it

-i can't write my own music, i can only do covers

-I dont have 6 pack abs

-i am not a good singer/rapper (yes i try)

-hates on me cause she overheard me saying I took a few bird courses

-discredits any of my achievements (e.g grades not good cause i take bird courses, or had a friend help me study)

-can't find a girlfriend


I am not going to hang out with my family anymore if my sister's bf or any of her friends are there she acts even worse like she is the center of attention. It is kind of an ultimatum but i do not care, my family can choose their sides

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