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What's On Your Mind?

Robin Hood

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starting class on thursday and i'm feeling extremely nervous too.

i don't know, i met so many premeds today and i felt so.. stupid and boring next to them. like why would a med school be interested in me when there are all these other awesome people. :(


(low self-esteem moment, i'm sorry! i needed to vent somewhere. )


Oh man I am right there with you - I feel so inferior it's ridiculous.


It's okay, guys! Been there, many, many times. Honestly, all you have to do is work on being the best version of you that you can possibly be. And you're on this site, that's a huge advantage because there are so many resources/knowledgeable members on this forum. Use it well. Trust me, it seems daunting but you'll find your place. It may seem like everyone else is smarter/more interesting/etc. but really, like I said, it just SEEMS that way - it's amazing what a competitive premed will tell you when they're trying to intimidate you.


Don't let them.


Your ears, your eyes, your brain... you chose who/what to listen to, and how you interpret the world around you. Keep your focus, do your best, and you will. Honestly. You'll do just fine if you give yourself permission to :)

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Classes start Thursday! :) Although I've already been sent an email from one of my profs with homework for Thursday's first class!


Applications for dietetic internships will start soon as well. With only a 30% success rate, it's almost as competitive as getting into medical school! :eek: At least I have a solid back-up plan in place: the prof I did my fourth year honours thesis with will happily have me as a Masters student. :)


I hope everyone has a great semester!

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Classes start Thursday! :) Although I've already been sent an email from one of my profs with homework for Thursday's first class!


Applications for dietetic internships will start soon as well. With only a 30% success rate, it's almost as competitive as getting into medical school! :eek: At least I have a solid back-up plan in place: the prof I did my fourth year honours thesis with will happily have me as a Masters student. :)


I hope everyone has a great semester!

Eek, that is competitive! Best of luck this semester :)

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Eek, that is competitive! Best of luck this semester :)


Thanks. :) Yeah, the dietetic internship success rate in Ontario is horrible. 30% chance is not all that great. Unfortunately, the provincial government refuses to provide funding to incorporate the internship into the undergraduate education, like they do in BC, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec. In Alberta and the Atlantic provinces, there is an option to do an internship as part of your undergraduate studies. So the other provinces are way ahead of Ontario. Unfortunately, I had to study in Ontario due to my husband's career.


Oh well, all I can do is my best when it comes to my applications and then, hopefully, the interviews! I've been told by several people that mature applications or second degree students tend to be more successful than "traditional" students, so I'm hoping that's the case for me!

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First day, done. Six chapters to read by Monday. Pfft, no problem.


I had four chapters to read for today, and classes only start today! (Our prof emailed us Tuesday, telling us to pick up the course pack and do the assigned readings before Thursday!)


I must say, I like the evaluation for my "Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism" course. Midterm exam and final, with the exam with the higher mark weighted at 60% and the other at 40%. :) Yay!

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I had four chapters to read for today, and classes only start today! (Our prof emailed us Tuesday, telling us to pick up the course pack and do the assigned readings before Thursday!)


I must say, I like the evaluation for my "Nutrition, Exercise and Metabolism" course. Midterm exam and final, with the exam with the higher mark weighted at 60% and the other at 40%. :) Yay!


Ooo, I like that marking scheme. My cell bio course has a nice setup too. We have three tests, 15% each. The exam is 35%. But if you score higher on the exam than one of the tests, that test's mark is discarded and the exam counts for 50%.

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Had an AMAZING pathology lecture today! We learned the clinical presentations/pathological findings in PUD, pancreatic cancer, and celiac disease. And my family practice was great too! The clinic I am working at has 30 min sessions with patients, though the demographic is slightly different than most fam practice offices. Also, interesting to work in a clinic with so many nurse practitioners (I'd say 50:50).


Fun, fun :)

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so today i was meeting with a prof for a research assistant position in his psych lab. when i contacted him first, i said i was looking for a volunteer opportunity. (I'm only in 2nd year so i wasn't expecting much.) Turned out i did get the job and i will be pay for it! :D (of course, i won't do much but i'm so excited. his studies are pretty cool!)

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