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I'm just trying to focus on the rest of my life and not let waiting to hear from Mac take up all my time - last week I organized a conference, this week I have to get an issue out of the journal I'm co-editing this year, and I'm trying to get my thesis written and my grad degree done ASAP. It doesn't leave much time to stress about med school admissions, thankfully! I'd much rather be distracted and have the time fly by than be sitting around waiting!


What is it, three weeks tomorrow? Here's hoping it flies by and we all get good news on the 14th!

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No. Being perky is not part of the McMaster program's requirements. If it satisfies you....I think you are extremely perky based on your post history.


Is this what Mac Meds are perceived as? Because I don't think I have ever been described as "perky"... maybe I should be more worried about not getting in!
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I certainly don't think perky is the correct word.


Maybe - ambitious, youthful at heart(?) regardless it was great.


Does the wait-list move a lot at Mac?


I think at least 50+ seats. Movement is generally perceived to be greatest at Mac ( out of all the ON schools).

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It did a lot last year - I think this was because of talk of the poor match and a piss poor admissions video and committee. Things may be different this year.


I certainly don't think perky is the correct word.


Maybe - ambitious, youthful at heart(?) regardless it was great.


Does the wait-list move a lot at Mac?

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It did a lot last year - I think this was because of talk of the poor match and a piss poor admissions video and committee. Things may be different this year.


Do you think the interview day videos play a role in school choice? I guess it is the last impression the school leaves you with so that could influence your overall opinion of the school. Did anyone find the video impacted their school preference?

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Do you think the interview day videos play a role in school choice? I guess it is the last impression the school leaves you with so that could influence your overall opinion of the school. Did anyone find the video impacted their school preference?


The videos at any school do not impact my school choice. I don't think your filming/acting skills are really an indication of the quality of the school. but the interview days as a whole definitely did! Seeing the school and talking to the students are pretty important. I think I got a better sense of what the curriculum (pre-clerkship and clerkship) would be like. In general, I found I got a lot more opinions that you couldn't find by just reading the school websites

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I would say the interview video DOES have a factor under the umbrella of how the school (the students) represents itself.


I feel its one thing for someone from the Admin to stand up and talk about their school etc..


But when the students do it it's a lot more real - I didn't watch last years but this years was good, but again it goes under leaving an impacting feel on what the kids are like and how well they get along etc.


Personally, I thought Westerns was great but aside from the editorial aspect the whole day the students passionately LOVED their school, like McMaster the kids LOVED that they were there and the video showed it.

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Personally, I thought Westerns was great but aside from the editorial aspect the whole day the students passionately LOVED their school, like McMaster the kids LOVED that they were there and the video showed it.


My issue is that everyone loves their school, so it's hard to make a comparison. What I learned from interviewing at the Ontario schools is that I'd be happy wherever I went. Whether that makes the waiting and decision process easier or harder is another matter...

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But when the students do it it's a lot more real - I didn't watch last years but this years was good, but again it goes under leaving an impacting feel on what the kids are like and how well they get along etc.


That's true! It's definitely affirming to see the videos and the community within the school. The video can add to the impression of the community. But I think if it came down to it, if a school that I loved over the interview weekend had a lame video, it wouldn't turn me away.

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My issue is that everyone loves their school, so it's hard to make a comparison. What I learned from interviewing at the Ontario schools is that I'd be happy wherever I went. Whether that makes the waiting and decision process easier or harder is another matter...


Very true! While I liked some schools more than others, I'd be ecstatic to go to any of them!


18 days...

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They probably have their final lists soon after the last interview. Worlds will change, hearts will be broken and mothers will feel proud...or caress broken souls in their bosoms. Good luck and keep your fingers crossed - Wendy Edge is about to sing.


For real? Meaning they have made their final list? :eek:
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