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May 15th support group

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Oh, me too. My last exam is tomorrow.


Add to that- it's a course where the prof has told me he does not give out greater than 80% in this course. What?


Fortunately I am sitting at 80%, but I keep getting comments like "excellent work on this assignment"- ????? then just give me my A+!!!!


It's really hard to be motivated to work when you think your grade has been predetermined for you. Oh, and he won't give breakdowns of where you went wrong, just an overall grade. I'll be very glad to be done with this course tomorrow. Forever. Also, I think I'm going to request to never take another course with him. The 2 courses I have had with him are the only 2 in this entire 2nd degree program that I have not earned an A+! Ridiculous.


FUnny enough, it's a research methods course. Maybe I can use some stats to prove that it's unlikely that my only 2 non-A+ marks came from his courses by chance alone. We can reject the null hypothesis and and I can earn a higher grade (I'm not into asking for higher marks, but if I can experimentally show I deserve it...) just kidding about all this but it does go through my mind... grr...

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I really can't stand when professors do that. I once had a professor that on the first day of class said he only handed out two grades A- or B-, all you had to do was show up for the final. On top of that he made us purchase three textbooks for the course and surprise, surprise, he authored all three....yeesh. Talk about destroying my motivation for taking that course, I couldn't even aim for an A if I wanted to. Almost everyone disappeared until the final and took the easy B-.


Anywho, on another note, my lack of sleep has resulted in a post just to state that it is T-30 days exactly until we know! One month! One twelfth of a year!


I feel like a kid counting down to Christmas. What makes it worse though is that it doesn't always happen precisely on the 15th, and Dr. Walker seemed to like the appeal of releasing slightly earlier. I think once May 1st hits I can kiss sleeping goodbye.

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I really wish admission decisions would come out at the end of the month instead of mid-may because that way I could make more informed decisions about taking summer classes...but instead, if this cycle is lucky for me, I'll be in the middle of a course I would otherwise not need to take and wouldn't even be able to withdraw from at that date.


Oh well, I hope I don't need the course but I'm thinking it's better to be fulfilling requirements for other schools for next cycle rather than not taking the course and hoping everything works out and then not being prepared for next cycle.

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I really wish admission decisions would come out at the end of the month instead of mid-may because that way I could make more informed decisions about taking summer classes...but instead, if this cycle is lucky for me, I'll be in the middle of a course I would otherwise not need to take and wouldn't even be able to withdraw from at that date.



polarbear- it might be a long shot but maybe you can talk to stuent services about it before the class starts? Explain your situation, and ask if it would be OK to have a later WD date? OR, maybe they could allow you to sign up a little later? It can't hurt to ask.

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polarbear- it might be a long shot but maybe you can talk to stuent services about it before the class starts? Explain your situation, and ask if it would be OK to have a later WD date? OR, maybe they could allow you to sign up a little later? It can't hurt to ask.


Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll definitely ask but the class starts on May 1 and ends June 2 so withdrawing on May 15th if accepted probably wouldn't work. I'll try though!


Enviro_4_Medschool: Haha, I feel the same way you do...everything I said feels exponentially sillier as the interview gets further and further away...

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Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll definitely ask but the class starts on May 1 and ends June 2 so withdrawing on May 15th if accepted probably wouldn't work. I'll try though!


It might not hurt to post on the admissions blog or send admissions a polite email outlining your issues and ask if there is any chance of them moving up the notification date from last year.


I think May 1st should be the minimum for a number of reasons. School is definitely one, however work is another significant reason. I work on contracts that start quarterly. Now I'm debating if I should risk signing on to my May 1st contract or go without work all summer. I could probably push off committing to my employer until May 1st, but after that I must confirm one way or the other.


I think if we're polite and reasonable in our posts they'll certainly consider it. The notifications inching up a few days these past few years has me hopeful they will be merciful to us. :o

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Hoote, the issue is really that Calgary starts a month earlier than the other schools. If you're in limbo then your summer plans have to be put on hold. For all the other schools, they start around Sept 1 so it's not as big a deal, you can make full summer plans and it's fine.


For now I'm just scheduling things until the end of July. If I'm not accepted, I can work in August and go on a 2week paddling trip my friends have planned.

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I'm so rooting for you guys!


I posted my whole encouragement/reality check thing in the General Premed discussions forum under the thread 'Thinking of You'.


Kyla, I have a feeling this is your year!


Hang in there... it's soooo worth it. :)




I saw and read it!


Thanks for that, it was nice to hear (:

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Can we please stop posting (i.e. begging) to Dr. Walker about moving the acceptance date up? He didn't reply to the first five comments the last time he logged on so posting another five is just getting embarrassing. I know we're all stressed out with finals but let's try and keep it under control. He is nice enough to keep us updated in the first place that we don't need to harass him for more, especially after he has already declined to answer. You wouldn't repeatedly call the CARMS office before match day, would you?? It is what it is. I know it sucks. We are all in the same position. But Dr. Walker knows this and is very sensitive to our needs and the process so we need to trust him, and show him some respect.


Regardless, I'm pretty sure it's out of his hand anyways. He said last year that the government doesn't tell them how many spots they have until a few days before the 15th and with all the budget drama going on i'm sure this year is no exception. Plus admissions is not the only thing that office does so it takes time.


Anyways, there's nothing we can do so let's at least try and retain whatever dignity we still have left and focus on finals / having a life for another few months. :) We will know soon enough.

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^+1 CrossFit. I was just logging on to say the same thing.


The point about U of C starting earlier than other schools and the impacts that has on accepted candidates is well made on the blog. I will have similar concerns leaving my job - I will be very happy to have that problem.



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