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I was just wondering if everyone knows what happens if you have an offer to a school but are wait listed (top 11) at the school you wanted to go to first choice. If you have to say yes to the acceptance offer by may 31 and you go do you still have the opportunity to accept a wait list offer after that date or is all other offers null and void? Thanks!

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ya I would like to think that I can wait to accept a position at the other 2 schools that were at the top of my list while still holding a position at one of the others i was accepted to but I dont think this will happen and it is kind of risky to decline the ones you were accepted and hope to get in off the waiting list :s

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When I was contacted with an offer off of the wait list at Queen's last year, they specifically asked me if I had already accepted a spot somewhere else. I don't want to say I'm 100% positive, but I think if you do accept a spot, you're removed from the wait list at any other schools and they are not allowed to offer you a position (I don't know if this counts if you've accepted out-of-province).


So you have to decline your offers to remain on the wait lists at other schools. If you're high enough on the list, then it may be a risk you'd be willing to take. If it's not, then I would just accept a certain thing.


Also to take into consideration: we all end up with the exact same degree in the end, no matter where you've attended school.

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