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Yale or U of T

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Congrats. I'd say U of T if you want to practice/live in Canada to avoid any trouble of coming back to Canada for residency or licencing, and Yale if you likely want to practice/live in the US, want to attend a prestigious institution or work at one later on, and/or conduct high-level research.

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I'm not so sure, in terms of res, mI ultimately would have taken U of T up over ivy league offers, I just like the program a ton... I'm not sure about their MD program, since I know nil about it... so sometimes mthe school can make a diff... and U of T is no slouch at like 21 or so... plus the resrearch you can do there is right up there in most areas with top US schools... I guess I can see why he might have some trouble



Yale, it's a no-brainer. It baffles me why people with perfect 4.0's and excellent MCAT stats choose U of T over Ivy League schools.


I think you should talk to people who studied in the US and came back to Canada to practice. There are many.

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so basically does the better rep school lead to a better match?


I would venture to guess this is more true in the US where there is a larger discrepancy in the quality of MD programs (ie Yale would have a MUCH stronger program than the average State school). Canadian UGME's are all comparable.

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I ultimately ended up withdrawing from U of T. I will be matriculating at Yale in the fall. It was probably the hardest decisions of my entire life, and while I am going to miss Canada and Toronto a lot, I guess I couldn't pass up on this opportunity.


My stats were 41S 3.93 cGPA, 3.97 sGPA majoring in Physics. PM me if you have any questions about applying to the US, waitlists or my application and decision or whatever.

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