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Roughly how much lab work is required in medical school?

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Just to focus my query:


How many obligatory medical school courses have a lab component? How does it compare with undergraduate science degree in terms of time spent in the lab (or percentage of grade/credits from lab work/lab reports).


By 'lab' I mean something akin to a traditional undergrad chemistry/bio/physics lab, not clinical skills or cutting open cadavers or clerkships.




Please let me know if this question is unclear and I'll do my best to clarify what I mean here.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but unless it's research-related lab work, I don't think you'll be doing anything akin to a physics/chem lab in med school. Most "labs" seem to be clinical skills oriented, or in some schools, dissection/anatomy labs which I guess depending on where you did your undergrad, would be similar to some bio labs.

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