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Residency Question?

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Brief story: I have lived in NS my entire, my parents still live hear, and I recently just finished up my undergrad at a maritime university. Next year I will be heading to grad school in Alberta to complete my masters with the hopes of applying to Dalhousie during the fall of 2014.


Dalhousie's residence requirements are listed here:




My question is this: If I move to Alberta to complete my masters, will I lose my martitime applicant status?


Or is ok to move away for school, and not work?

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Brief story: I have lived in NS my entire, my parents still live hear, and I recently just finished up my undergrad at a maritime university. Next year I will be heading to grad school in Alberta to complete my masters with the hopes of applying to Dalhousie during the fall of 2014.


Dalhousie's residence requirements are listed here:




My question is this: If I move to Alberta to complete my masters, will I lose my martitime applicant status?


Or is ok to move away for school, and not work?


No going to school full time does not change your status. Make sure not to get Alberta Residency however, and keep your NS drivers and health card.

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