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Tb test: incoming student

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Hi guys more knowledgable than myself,


So I kinda slacked off on this one, but I need to get my tb test in by the 15th. This is not happening and I already told admissions. I was wondering if you guys think it's OK to wait for more than two weeks to submit it or just wait till I get to Western to get the test done there...

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I guess the issue is that you need it to see patients. Why don't you email Student Affairs and ask? Most likely it's just that you won't be able to see patients until you are clear.


The other thing is that you need a two step, and if by some chance you are positive, you will have to go though the process of getting a chest xray which can also take some time. Can you do the first step before you leave and then the second step at Western or something?

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I guess the issue is that you need it to see patients. Why don't you email Student Affairs and ask? Most likely it's just that you won't be able to see patients until you are clear.


The other thing is that you need a two step, and if by some chance you are positive, you will have to go though the process of getting a chest xray which can also take some time. Can you do the first step before you leave and then the second step at Western or something?


Oh, thanks for letting me know! I was a waitlist acceptee on the later end of things, and will probably test +ve because I've had the tb vaccine. Oh well, will get the skin test done then, hope for a chest x-ray when I get there.


When do we get to see patients anyway on year 1?

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Observerships and some parts of clinical methods depending on your preceptor. Likely not for the first six weeks, but you'd want to be cleared by then. Depending on where you are it can take quite a while to get a CXR done.


Have you ever had a positive test before? If so, you might consider skipping straight to the xray. I have had some issues with false positives - it is less paperwork if you have a negative test and if there is a chance that you are negative you want to go for that. When I had a false positive it was a big annoying deal and I imagine that for electives in the future it could be a big annoying deal again. But if you already know that you are positive, then you might want to just get a CXR and be done with it.

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I actually had a situation where I tested "positive" due to a combination of the nurse not understanding that you measure induration and not erythema and the fact that I have very sensitive skin and am kind of atopic.


I ended up requesting a quantiferon assay to clear up the question and I have documentation of that. I don't know how Schulich would feel about it though because once I had a negative quantiferon I went and got someone competent t do a PPD and sure enough, it was negative.

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I actually had a situation where I tested "positive" due to a combination of the nurse not understanding that you measure induration and not erythema and the fact that I have very sensitive skin and am kind of atopic.


I ended up requesting a quantiferon assay to clear up the question and I have documentation of that. I don't know how Schulich would feel about it though because once I had a negative quantiferon I went and got someone competent t do a PPD and sure enough, it was negative.


That's actually super useful. Thanks so much! I wasn't sure how Schulich's clinical approach worked.


I never had a tb test before, but given my BCG history, I feel I'd fail PPD. It's worth giving both tests a shot though and hope for a negative (and a competent nurse!)...

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