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thought i could finish 2nd degree in two years, looks like i'll need three years...

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three years just seems so much more daunting than 2 years...


I've contacted all schools and no response.. can anyone out there help me out?


1) should i wait until next year (2014) to start 2nd UG since I haven't made it in time to request transfer of credits from 1st UG? (I know for Queen's it doesnt matter what level - 100, 200, etc - the courses are)


2) would like to re-take 1st year courses anyway (to brush up on basic science knowledge for MCAT, and renew my courses that are now past the 8-year expiry for McGill). In that case, i'll need to take mostly 1st year courses, and then an additional 2 years to fulfill the 3/5 rule at Western...


3) How do schools look at repeat courses? (even for just the sake of studying for MCAT or for McGill's 8-year rule as mentioned?)


4) also frustrated because I didnt realize how quickly UofT courses fill up (now on waitlist for so many courses that I had planned on taking in the fall.. I wasnt allowed to pick courses until today as a non-degree student...


Any help would be really really appreciated

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You will probably get off the waitlist in some of the courses. Many students are currently enrolled in 6 courses per semester because they are allowed to. Many will drop their 6th course within the first two weeks of classes, so be prepared to snag up any course that comes by.

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