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Personal Assessment forms + References for McMaster

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There's flexibility but they don't have a different deadline than OMSAS.


So do I get a disadvantage if I handed in my references later than October 1st? Also, what if I can only get one of the references around early november/late october as he is away. Thanks for replying

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I have the same question, if anyone knows the anwer please pots here


In general it's really best to just ask the school yourself. Of course people on here have lots of helpful insight but policies can always change year-to-year and you can't really beat a direct answer from the people who deal with these things every day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

For those who are still interested, here is the response:


"The reference letters are due by the October 1st deadline. However, McMaster recognizes that this is somewhat out of your control. Please make every effort to ensure your referee is aware of the deadline. The deadline is October 1st but McMaster will uses its discretion for letter received after this date. "

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Ah, after another look at the instruction manual, I can see where the confusion came from about whether or not McMaster required the open ended letter to accompany the CAFs. I imagine that may have been a common misunderstanding for many applicants applying only to McMaster.


Anyway, I'm glad that they're accepting letters past the deadline. I too had a scare. After submitting my application I learned that one of my referees who had ensured me that they sent their letters using the postage paid envelope that I provided them with, really just emailed the thing. I wanted so badly to pick up and put the letter in the mailbox myself but I didn't want to be undermining. *sigh*


About choosing referees:


McMaster doesn't give any guidelines as to how applicants should choose their referees. If I were you I would take a look at the Confidential Assessment Form and seek referees that you think may best be able to evaluate you upon the traits and qualities asked of their assessment. An appropriate referee should be able to expand upon their initial rankings of you in an open ended format (ideally including examples) and should be objective enough for their recommendation to be taken seriously (e.g., supervisor >>> family member or a friend). In all honesty though, it is not clear to what extent McMaster will use these evaluations. To look for red flags? Are they going to be scoring them in any way this year? Who knows? So I would just say, to be safe, work on obtaining letters from the best referees possible for you.

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