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grades and verifiers qns

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hey all,


first time doing OMSAS applic.


running into some confusion, and I thought I would check with experienced ppl:


1) I know the booklet says a semester course =1 credit on OMSAS and a full year course = 2 credits., but when you finish entering your marks and you see the summary for the year under omsas length, it changes all the semseter course = 2, and the full-year into 4..


2) I know it says to write the course code as it appears on your transcript

does this mean we include the session time as well - for e.g. for (uofT) BIO 150 shows up on the transcript as BIO 150 Y1

would we put the Y1 part on OMSAS as well.. or only BIO 150?


3) for verifiers - what if your verifier has left the post and you are unable to get in contact with them? - if you have a document (letter/contract) that is proof of your work / time commitment, is there any way to use that/supply that?

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hey all,


first time doing OMSAS applic.


running into some confusion, and I thought I would check with experienced ppl:


1) I know the booklet says a semester course =1 credit on OMSAS and a full year course = 2 credits., but when you finish entering your marks and you see the summary for the year under omsas length, it changes all the semseter course = 2, and the full-year into 4.



2) I know it says to write the course code as it appears on your transcript

does this mean we include the session time as well - for e.g. for (uofT) BIO 150 shows up on the transcript as BIO 150 Y1

would we put the Y1 part on OMSAS as well.. or only BIO 150?


3) for verifiers - what if your verifier has left the post and you are unable to get in contact with them? - if you have a document (letter/contract) that is proof of your work / time commitment, is there any way to use that/supply that?



1. Put semesters as .5 and full years as 1. The omsas values refer to when omasa doubles them in the summaries


2. From your example just BIO 150


3. Doesn't need to be a supervisor/boss. A co worker or someone who currently works there and can look it up can verify as well.

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