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Review and Submit

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So I just paid my money reviewed and submit my applications through OUAC and after re-reading and re-reading the second I input it is when I notice a tiny but obviously noticeable error. The word "on" should definitely be "one" - I cannot even fathom how I might have missed that. Is this going to be a huge deal? will they look past it and see the rest of my essay for what it is? Of course I copy pasted so it so it's on each one. I just feel like crying it's been over $1500 in applications and two very long years, I don't know what to do.

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate it, definitely a terrible feeling. I called and they said all I could do would be to send a revised copy along with my resumes that could be sent with the package, although the lady on the phone said that schools discourage this, and would it would make it more obvious that there was an error. Thank you so much again, for your responses, hopefully I am over thinking.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Last year when I pasted my submissions into the text box ALL of my punctuation disappeared on documents I had been editing for months... so I went in and tried to replace it all, accidentally deleted some key connecting words, and basically ended up looking like (from my perspective) a fool with one or two sentences that didn't make sense... I called, but they wouldn't change it. In the end it made no difference! They are really looking for the concepts you discuss, not at your punctuation and spelling unless it is consistently horrible throughout.

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