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McMaster Interview Discussion 2014

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Hi everyone,


just some questions about interview day.


1) In the invitations e-mail, the date, time and MMI station is indicated. But, how early should we arrive? I think we have to register or something.

Will they send us more information closer to the interview day?


2) Is there a place to keep our coats/bags etc. while we go through the MMI circuit? Or are we expected to bring everything with us?


Any clarification, would be great.



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Hi everyone,


just some questions about interview day.


1) In the invitations e-mail, the date, time and MMI station is indicated. But, how early should we arrive? I think we have to register or something.

Will they send us more information closer to the interview day?


2) Is there a place to keep our coats/bags etc. while we go through the MMI circuit? Or are we expected to bring everything with us?


Any clarification, would be great.




1. Personally I arrived 15 mins before the time. You would be fine to show up at the scheduled time though.


2. Yup there will be a secure place to store your jackets/luggage when you check in.

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(203 + Waitlist movement)/550 interviewees = 40%+

Mhm sounds about right. 40% maybe a bit more on the pessimistic side. They gave out 263 offers for 546 interviewees (49.6% acceptance chance) for 194 spots in 2009.


There are 9 more seats now, but there are ~5 more people interviewed. So we have roughly 551 interviewees now for 203 spots now, which are better odds than 2009, as multiple people can decline a spot. So I would say the number is a bit higher than 49.6%. 50% sounds about right.


So I'm thinking a number of 50% post interview acceptance rate. Do my numbers check out?


Sources for Class of 2009: https://www.afmc.ca/pdf/2013_ad_bk.pdf

Page 33, subtracted Total Applicants from Not Offered row to get # of offers given

Class of 2009 # of interviewees and # of spots (don't know why it doesn't match up with AFMC # of spots): http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/mdprog/documents/Classof2012.pdf

Now there are 9 more seats.

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Mhm sounds about right. 40% maybe a bit more on the pessimistic side. They gave out 263 offers for 546 interviewees (49.6% acceptance chance) for 194 spots in 2009.


There are 9 more seats now, but there are ~5 more people interviewed. So we have roughly 551 interviewees now for 203 spots now, which are better odds than 2009, as multiple people can decline a spot. So I would say the number is a bit higher than 49.6%. 50% sounds about right.


So I'm thinking a number of 50% post interview acceptance rate. Do my numbers check out?


Sources for Class of 2009: https://www.afmc.ca/pdf/2013_ad_bk.pdf

Page 33, subtracted Total Applicants from Not Offered row to get # of offers given

Class of 2009 # of interviewees and # of spots (don't know why it doesn't match up with AFMC # of spots): http://fhs.mcmaster.ca/mdprog/documents/Classof2012.pdf

Now there are 9 more seats.


I would agree. If you look at other schools that have continued to provide data, number of declines has increased with class size. Really though it's not about chances but how you do on interview day.


On a related note anyone know why schools like Mac and western have stopped releasing data?

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Agreed. Actually I was being prudent with my numbers. The data would suggest above 50% post interview chance. Inching towards 52-54% range.


Obviously this doesn't matter, but it's reassuring. I'm at least 1 SD below the mean for GPA (~3.7), so it's nice to know I don't have to compensate by THAT much with the interview.


Definitely reassuring.

Ya I'm in the same boat. The Mac scheme really does put it in your hands. If you really do well on the interview, there is very little that can hold you back (except for the mysterious 'full file review' haha)

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Hi everyone,


Just want confirmation regarding timing for the MMI stations. So, in the interview information package it states that "each station lasts 8 minutes with 2 minutes between to read your station".


So that means we get a total of 10 minutes per station right? 2 min to read and up to 8 min to discuss our answers?


So that means the bell rings after 10 mins? If we read our questions within 1 min, does that mean we get more time to discuss?


Sorry if this is a silly question.



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Hi everyone,


Just want confirmation regarding timing for the MMI stations. So, in the interview information package it states that "each station lasts 8 minutes with 2 minutes between to read your station".


So that means we get a total of 10 minutes per station right? 2 min to read and up to 8 min to discuss our answers?


So that means the bell rings after 10 mins? If we read our questions within 1 min, does that mean we get more time to discuss?


Sorry if this is a silly question.




There are 2 bells. One to leave and move to the next door and the second is a signal to enter the room. You can't enter before the 2 minutes is up.

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Hi everyone,


Just want confirmation regarding timing for the MMI stations. So, in the interview information package it states that "each station lasts 8 minutes with 2 minutes between to read your station".


So that means we get a total of 10 minutes per station right? 2 min to read and up to 8 min to discuss our answers?


So that means the bell rings after 10 mins? If we read our questions within 1 min, does that mean we get more time to discuss?


Sorry if this is a silly question.




The 2 minutes gives you enough time to read the question/scenario/whatever, and then briefly think about your response/approach to that question/scenario/whatever.


You'd be surprised about how fast the 2 minutes go sometimes, especially with the first station (OMG i'm at the MMI! :D ). Other times it's quite slow, but use the time effectively.

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Whoa! Could I ask why?


I've already gotten into a few US schools that I would want to go to over McMaster. I'm not a huge fan of their 3 year curriculum or the city. It seemed like a waste to interview there given that I wouldn't be attending and I was also hoping this opens up a spot for someone that would actually want to go there.

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I've already gotten into a few US schools that I would want to go to over McMaster. I'm not a huge fan of their 3 year curriculum or the city. It seemed like a waste to interview there given that I wouldn't be attending and I was also hoping this opens up a spot for someone that would actually want to go there.


From someone on the interview waitlist, thank you!

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I've already gotten into a few US schools that I would want to go to over McMaster. I'm not a huge fan of their 3 year curriculum or the city. It seemed like a waste to interview there given that I wouldn't be attending and I was also hoping this opens up a spot for someone that would actually want to go there.

Good Guy silenceofthelambs

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