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Interview Day Tours and Info Session

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I am struggling to make travel arrangements early enough so that I can attend the morning information session and tour on the day of my interview. I cannot do the afternoon ones because of the timing of my interview. I'm from out of town so my only other option would be to spend the night before my interview - which I was hoping not to do. I have been reading that we are evaluated throughout the entire process, but the tour and info session seem optional. Is it a MUST to go to these? Or am I signing up for my rejection letter by missing them? :(

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I am struggling to make travel arrangements early enough so that I can attend the morning information session and tour on the day of my interview. I cannot do the afternoon ones because of the timing of my interview. I'm from out of town so my only other option would be to spend the night before my interview - which I was hoping not to do. I have been reading that we are evaluated throughout the entire process, but the tour and info session seem optional. Is it a MUST to go to these? Or am I signing up for my rejection letter by missing them? :(


You're not evaluated during the tour or the information session... just the interview.

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You're not evaluated during the tour or the information session... just the interview.


I'm not so sure about that, especially since email says "Please note that all of the interview day is considered your interview and not just the time spent with the interviewers."


Either way, for the OP's case, I'm sure missing them for scheduling reasons is fine, the way I see it is more like if you are super rude during the tours or something they could count it against you.

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I'm not so sure about that, especially since email says "Please note that all of the interview day is considered your interview and not just the time spent with the interviewers."


Either way, for the OP's case, I'm sure missing them for scheduling reasons is fine, the way I see it is more like if you are super rude during the tours or something they could count it against you.


That's definitely not true, regardless of what the email might say. Last year we weren't even wearing name tags, so there's no way they could keep tabs during the info session and the tour. Also, the student volunteers even told us that they weren't judging us.


If you have to leave, they'll understand.

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I think the email said that so that if you do something ridiculously awful during the tour they can disqualify you. But I might be totally wrong.


This sounds logical, and realistically I doubt anyone would do something to jeopardize their chances of getting in.

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I wondered how they work the "evaluation all day" aspect. I imagined spy cameras and informants. It would be difficult to assess without name tags.


I'm trying to think back to last year, and I REALLY don't remember having a name tag that day. Could be wrong though, lol.

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I think the email said that so that if you do something ridiculously awful during the tour they can disqualify you. But I might be totally wrong.


well sure - that would happen at any school without question. From the minute you are on site until the minute you leave you have to be nothing less than completely professional. Doesn't mean if have to skip the tour it will count against you :)

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Don't worry about missing the tour...I didn't go on the tour or anything. I just sat down, chilled with the other applicants, went in and did my thing. You are not being put at risk of not getting in. The reason they want to say that the entire day is part of your interview more so is how you interact with the other applicants in the atrium/waiting area. So basically...be professional, don't be rude, and treat others with respect while waiting (basic things you should all do anyways).

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Don't worry about missing the tour...I didn't go on the tour or anything. I just sat down, chilled with the other applicants, went in and did my thing. You are not being put at risk of not getting in. The reason they want to say that the entire day is part of your interview more so is how you interact with the other applicants in the atrium/waiting area. So basically...be professional, don't be rude, and treat others with respect while waiting (basic things you should all do anyways).


by the way many people do think all this is pretty obvious (I mean how many times have you been told this etc) but under the stress of interviews sometimes people do get distracted it seems and can crack a bit. Just be somewhat on the guard I guess :)

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I remember being given a name tag sticker. I remember because mine fell off and I found it on the floor. Regardless, just be yourself and you'll be fine.




I'm trying to think back to last year, and I REALLY don't remember having a name tag that day. Could be wrong though, lol.
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I remember being given a name tag sticker. I remember because mine fell off and I found it on the floor. Regardless, just be yourself and you'll be fine.


Oh, I stand corrected. Even so, they're really not judging us outside of the interview. I'd put money on that.

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I didn't go to the tour and I still made it in!


The tour is useful to get to know more about the school, interact with some of the students, etc. But it's far from mandatory and it doesn't make a difference if you go or not in terms of your acceptance. Remember that this is a TWO way sell: you need to make UOttawa want you and UOttawa needs to make you want it! The tour is just to get you familiar with the campus, etc.

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I didn't go to the tour and I still made it in!


The tour is useful to get to know more about the school, interact with some of the students, etc. But it's far from mandatory and it doesn't make a difference if you go or not in terms of your acceptance. Remember that this is a TWO way sell: you need to make UOttawa want you and UOttawa needs to make you want it! The tour is just to get you familiar with the campus, etc.


Thanks! That is a really good point. I feel relieved now, lol.

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I didn't know when my tour was.

I walked into RGN, talked to a 4th year for 30 minutes (or whatever the minimum amount of time you are allowed to show up before was)

Did the interview

Walked out

Waited till May 14th


Meaning: First years are doing tours and presentations, and nobody told me anything about judging you all.



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  • 2 weeks later...
What do they go over in the info session? Not sure whether or not I should go to that or take a earlier train home


The information session is there to give you an idea of what uOttawa has to offer. This can be anything from student life, research, the curicculum, etc.. We are trying to show you why we know uOttawa is the best choice. ;)


In my opinion, it's worth staying for. I didn't last year and it made my choice harder to make. If I had gone to it, I would have known Ottawa was my final destination immediately.



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So my interview is at 1, tours are at 9:15 and 12, and it says to sign up at your interview.....any insight what to do or who to contact?


The 12:00 tour should be fine. I would just verify with the admin assistant (Chantal or Diane) at your interview that the tour is less than 45 minutes. (I can't image it would be, but I'm not certain as I didn't go on a tour last year.) If you want to go to the 1:40 pm presentation, you can just let Chantal or Diane know and go after your interview. You'll have missed the very beginning, but they won't mind! Personally, I would definitely recommend going to the presentation to really learn about the school, but I'm not sure how helpful a tour would be.

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