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Rural area

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I have a question regarding med application. So I lived in a rural area of a 3rd world country for around 12 years of my life. However I never lived in rural area in canada. I want to know whether they consider this in my app or not and how is my chance for this school,my cGPA is 3.98 and I have OK EC's but not stellar.


Thanks in advance

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I do not believe this will count towards your context score in a positive way as they give credit for Northern Ontario and other rural/remote areas of 'Canada'.


Certainly you can highlight your ability to thrive in rural/remote settings and if you have a true interest in working in such settings you can highlight that highlighting work/volunteering in rural/remote settings again.


So seems like your pre-interview GPA score will be great, Autobiographical Sketch/Questions could be average (of course great essay section could increase it) and context score low. This is all just fun speculation though.



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