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Should I take the MCAT (difficult personal circumstances)?


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Hey everyone,


With two months left before my MCAT (9/18), I just recently had to deal with a difficult breakup with my girlfriend, after a pretty long and serious relationship. Needless to say, this has affected me greatly and I haven't been able to do much work these past few days.


The thought of taking the MCAT and messing it up because things are not right in my head right now has been worrying me a little, especially considering that I got a 32 (10p/11v/11b) last year and I'm afraid that my score will decrease.


I also have to deal with a research project that will be done on September 15th, so I already have quite a bit of work on my plate...


What are your opinions? I've still been trying to study. I've been going to the library/lab every day despite my lack of productivity just to keep pushing but honestly I am just not sure that I can do it.


Anyone want to share their experiences/give some advice? You can also PM me if you don't feel comfortable typing this in public.




Edit: I just want to add that I KNOW that it isn't the end of the world and that things will be ok in the long run. I do, however, think it's normal to feel down after a breakup like this and I am just wondering if you guys think it's possible to deal with this AND perform on the MCAT in a way that will be worth it (over 32). I don't want to make this sound like a sob story or anything like that because I know it isn't and a lot of people have to deal with more serious things.

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Hey everyone,


With two months left before my MCAT (9/18), I just recently had to deal with a difficult breakup with my girlfriend, after a pretty long and serious relationship. Needless to say, this has affected me greatly and I haven't been able to do much work these past few days.


The thought of taking the MCAT and messing it up because things are not right in my head right now has been worrying me a little, especially considering that I got a 32 (10p/11v/11b) last year and I'm afraid that my score will decrease.


I also have to deal with a research project that will be done on September 15th, so I already have quite a bit of work on my plate...


What are your opinions? I've still been trying to study. I've been going to the library/lab every day despite my lack of productivity just to keep pushing but honestly I am just not sure that I can do it.


Anyone want to share their experiences/give some advice? You can also PM me if you don't feel comfortable typing this in public.




Edit: I just want to add that I KNOW that it isn't the end of the world and that things will be ok in the long run. I do, however, think it's normal to feel down after a breakup like this and I am just wondering if you guys think it's possible to deal with this AND perform on the MCAT in a way that will be worth it (over 32). I don't want to make this sound like a sob story or anything like that because I know it isn't and a lot of people have to deal with more serious things.


I was in a similar situation last year when I had to write my MCAT, and although it was nothing like a breakup, it was a pretty stressful time. I think you would be surprised what you can handle while under emotional duress. Also, you still have two months to study, which is plenty of time. You might be surprised how things change after a month or two. Also, I think a balanced 32 is a completely respectable score that won't really rule you out of any medical schools (save Western and perhaps OOP schools if you're in Ontario). That 11 in VR will give you a decent chance at mac too. I don't know exactly what score you're aiming for in your new MCAT, but I think you have much more to lose if you ended up doing even worse. On the other hand, if you've been doing practice tests and have consistently been scoring higher than 32, then you should definitely write it. Note that this is coming from someone who got a similar MCAT score and got into medical school, so I might be a bit biased. =)

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I'd say just keep going at it and try your best. 2-3 weeks before your MCAT test date, start taking the AAMC practice tests and treat these as the actual MCAT. Look the average score you get from these, your actual MCAT score will be very similar to this average, this will give you an idea on what to do.

Disclaimer: You've already taken the MCAT once, so I'm sure you've done practice tests already, so I don't know if they will be an accurate gauge this time around because you might remember the questions from last time.

But my advice is the same, just keep trying your best and assess the situation again in a couple of months.

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a 32 with a 11 verbal is a great score

I wouldn't retake with that score.




Apply coast to coast, and with a decent GPA you should get interviews to several locations. I would NEVER retake that MCAT score as long as it is still valid.

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I think you should reconsider writing the MCAT regardless of your personal situation unless you want to go to the US. If that id the case, you are probably going to be too late anyways for this cycle.


In Ontario, the MCAT is mostly used as a cutoff. With the score you have, you would make the cutoff for UofT and most likely Queen's. An 11 verbal is competitive for Mac and you make the cutoff for calgary and alberta for OOP. A higher MCAT would only help you for OOP manitoba and saskatchewan and if you managed to get 10-11-12 it would help you for Western.


If you do decide to write, it is possible to do well in stressful situations. I know someone who wrote a day after her grandmother passed away. Although not emotional stress, I wrote when I had strept throat and had to move apartments the day before and the day after. I also had to drive down to syracuse and was working night shifts at the lab to give back the days I was going to miss for the move and to write the MCAT.

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Hey everyone,


With two months left before my MCAT (9/18), I just recently had to deal with a difficult breakup with my girlfriend, after a pretty long and serious relationship. Needless to say, this has affected me greatly and I haven't been able to do much work these past few days.


The thought of taking the MCAT and messing it up because things are not right in my head right now has been worrying me a little, especially considering that I got a 32 (10p/11v/11b) last year and I'm afraid that my score will decrease.


I also have to deal with a research project that will be done on September 15th, so I already have quite a bit of work on my plate...


What are your opinions? I've still been trying to study. I've been going to the library/lab every day despite my lack of productivity just to keep pushing but honestly I am just not sure that I can do it.


Anyone want to share their experiences/give some advice? You can also PM me if you don't feel comfortable typing this in public.




Edit: I just want to add that I KNOW that it isn't the end of the world and that things will be ok in the long run. I do, however, think it's normal to feel down after a breakup like this and I am just wondering if you guys think it's possible to deal with this AND perform on the MCAT in a way that will be worth it (over 32). I don't want to make this sound like a sob story or anything like that because I know it isn't and a lot of people have to deal with more serious things.


From both personal experience and that of my friends - men take breakups much harder than women generally (there are exceptions). You will feel better - but for the first three months, the waking up early, lack of appetite, and inability to concentrate for extended periods of time is debilitating. Thankfully the last time this happened to me was just after exams in 2nd yr - I had a summer to recover. If you force yourself to go out with friends, or take on work projects, within a month you will be functioning much much better - and to some degree, the goal of doing well on the MCAT as a sort of 'revenge' could motivate you.


I do feel bad - even reading your story sends shivers down my spine because of that last breakup I had - knowing how you must be feeling. But you will feel better quicker than you think. Getting over her is another matter - that can take well over a year - but you won't be feeling miserable for most of that time. Just thinking about her and comparing any new girl to her at all times (also probably googling her or looking at her now unfriended FB profile for hints about new guys she might be dating).

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You still have time to study and I think you can write it. Don't let the breakup ruin your possible future career! And think about what your ex will think if you get into med school, she'll regret that breakup :P


All jokes aside, you know yourself best! If you feel that you can do it, then go for it! Otherwise, reschedule!

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