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Is It To Late To Apply To Anaesthesiology?

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Just started 4th year with an elective in Anaesthesiology. Had a little exposure to this speciality in 2nd year and was undecided but after completing my all my core rotations in 3rd year I have seriously considered pursuing this further. My electives so far are set up in a variety of specialities as I was going to apply to Family Medicine but I would hope to do some additional electives in Anaesthesiology this year. 


Would I have a shot at all if I applied to some Anaesthesiology programs. I have no research in the area. I would be able to get a solid letter from this rotation but it would likely be tough to get an additional elective before the deadline for reference letters.   


Any thoughts? I realize it's never to late to apply but would I have a reasonable chance? 

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How long is your current elective? 


The short answer is no, but you need to do whatever you can to get more elective time. Doesn't have to be the whole time by any stretch, but if you can manage 6 weeks (and any weeks you can state on your application even if they come after the referee deadline), things are looking better. Basically they want to see you have knowledge of the specialty - they do, however, understand that people often only really "discover" anesthesia late, and it won't be held against you if you haven't been doing research projects every summer. 


It also goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway - don't neglect applying to family too. 

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I went through a period at the beginning of 4th year med school where I thought I wanted to be a gas passer.  It was a time in my life when I really liked the idea of having my patients intubated and unconscious so they wouldn't talk to me.


Applied with really only one elective in the specialty, plus a two week core rotation taken during CC3 and some ICU electives that yielded me lots of experience but no relevant letters.  Interviewed at Dal, McGill, Toronto, Mac, Western, and declined an interview at Winnipeg.  Pretty good yield considering my geographic constraints.


(Only ranked a couple of those and wound up matching to a different specialty, which from my point of view now is one of the best things that ever happened to me.  Amazing how perspectives change.)


Programs recognize that people discover the speciality late (not just my opinion...I had a couple of PDs tell me that) and if you've got a good story and have other compelling non-anaesthesia things in your application you'll likely be competitive.


But back up with family.

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