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Internal Interviews


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Thanks in advance to people for answering my questions!


 I've applied to Internal pretty much across the country (14 programs in total). Presuming I get all interviews (hypothetically), how many should I go to. Like, what is a reasonable amount to feel confident I could get a spot? On average, how many interviews do most med students take, regardless of specialty?


I've spoken to some residents who told me to really limit only to where I want to go, whereas others say take every chance you can.


I guess if I only end up getting a fraction of the interviews I want, it'll make scheduling easier. 



Opinions on this?

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Given the competitiveness of internal medicine this year I would go to all my invites if I were you. You don't want to be the student that took the risk and failed.


In the grand scheme of things you'll feel safer and at least you did everything you can to secure a spot. The program took the time to review your application and offer an interview, I'd take the time to talk and hear them out.


Just my 2 cents

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To second the comment above, U of T this year has a lot of people applying to IM. Our class has a lot of people who backed out of surgical specialties for one reason or another during CC3 and went for IM and Fam for job prospects and/or lifestyle reasons. Not that IM residency is much of a lifestyle thing, lol, but staff positions can be, eventually.


IM at big centers will definitely be very competitive. Interview broadly. 

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2 additional questions (thanks again):


If I got interviews at all schools I applied to (13), can I assume I'm competitive for IM, or does it not work that way?


What schools are generally considered "less competitive" for IM. Like not in terms of number of spots left over, but just in terms of securing a spot in the first place. I've been told to go to a few less competitive schools just in case, but what schools would these be?

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No, I'm not trying to brag...


I'm just asking, does having many interviews necessarily translate to being more assured of getting a spot at one location.



As for my second question, I've obviously asked around, but I'm just trying to get broader feedback/get different opinions.



Wasn't trying to brag at all. I have a lot of friends who told me they got all the interviews they applied to and I didn't consider it bragging.

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