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How Long Do Pi's Typically Take To Respond?


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Just a random question and out of curiosity. I've sent emails about a couple days ago and haven't heard back from a few, others have said they didn't have any opportunities for me this summer.


Is there a specific time frame as to which PI's respond with an opportunity? Like, could it be a week or so before something comes up? What are your personal experiences

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It really depends on the person and the time of year. If you sent the emails out around christmas break, they be on holiday or something. Many researchers got back on the 5th, so it may take some time for them to catch up on their work, look through all the emails (yours im sure wasn't the only one), etc.

Off of personal experience, it could range from a day to 2 weeks, to never. Keep in mind they're likely collecting CVs now for summer work, and will probably pick successful candidates and get back to them later on in the month.

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  • 4 months later...

It honestly depends. I've had replies back within the hour, and others take more than a week. In the latter, he was such a well established researcher that his assistant sorts through all the emails first and so it's possible for him to reply to the important ones. Professors are really busy people that get hundreds of emails a day, impossible to catch up sometimes in my opinion. They will get back to you when they get back to you, best not to sweat about it :)

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Many PIs won't respond, the really nice ones will email back to tell you no. People will start emailing about November, with most spots filling up by February/March. They need to figure out space/projects/financing/etc.

To answer your question though, if I haven't heard back in over a week I will send a polite email (in case it got caught in a filter). If they don't reply to that I do not contact again, take it as a 'no'.

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