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Hey guys


I'm looking for some advice on US MD and DO schools to apply to.  Here are my stats:


1st Undergrad: cGPA: 3.34 (2.48, 3.03, 3.92, 3.93) - Really stunk it up in my first year and even the start of 2nd year, but man did I learn how to drink like an idiot.

Thesis Masters: 3.78 GPA, worked on 2 projects, neither have been published yet (hopefully this summer)

2nd Undergrad: cGPA: 4.0 (4.0, 4.0 - expected)


MCAT: VR (11), PS (12), BS (11) - Total 34



-Kinesiologist (2 years during Masters - 1000hrs)

-TA (2 courses, 2 years)

-Research assistant (1.5 years, no pubs, 1 poster presentation)

-Lots of poster presentations at various "smaller" conferences (from my MSc work)

-Hospital volunteer - assisted dietitians in surgical inpatient ward, also involved in elderly patient visitation program (1.5 years - 250hrs)

-Hospital volunteer - waiting room patient supporter (8 months - approx 90hrs)

-Stroke survivor rehab (80 hrs)

-Physiotherapy clinic volunteer (90hrs)

-Small little volunteers here and there: Habitat for Humanity (20hrs), Relay for Life (20hrs)

-Student mentor (1 year)

-Student course union VP (1 year)

-Public health outreach group (30 hrs)

-Intramural sports, charity runs

-4 scholarships/awards, mainly for academic achievement ($3000, $600, $500, $125)


Thanks for taking the time to look at my info - Really appreciate any feedback/suggestions you guys have :)


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With your strong upward trend of 5 years worth of strong grades, and a strong MCAT; I would apply broadly to all USMD schools that take Canadians - if you can afford it, If you're not wanting to waste money, drop off the top-tier ones and focus on low-tier and mid-tiers. But you never know, your upward trend could get the eye of an ADCOM at one of the more tough schools, so its worth the extra 50$ for a shot if you can. 

Get the MSAR and start figuring out where you want to apply and where it is realistic to apply, with a few reaches for the "never know" factor.
For USDO schools, apply to the 8-10 Canadian friendly ones and i'm sure you will get at least 3 interviews.

Once you make your USMD and USDO lists, I can help critique and revise.

I hope you are applying to Canadian schools as well? You should have a decent shot at the schools that look at best 2 years, last 3 years, etc etc. 


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Thanks very much ubc, I appreciate the feedback.  Yup, I will definitely be applying in Canada again next year (no interviews on this past cycle) - hoping for Queens or Ottawa.  I've got MSAR and would love to get your feedback once I've narrowed down a school list.


One thing that's a bit of a curveball is I got a 51 in 1st year chem, and from what I've read a lot of the DO schools have a requirement that all prerequisites be at least a 2.0 or higher.  I'm trying to contact them individually to see if they can overlook that requirement due to my upward trend in GPA and decent MCAT, but not sure what they will say.  If not, I'll probably try to retake it somewhere this summer.  Have you ever heard any stories of schools overlooking a low prereq grade?

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Thanks very much ubc, I appreciate the feedback.  Yup, I will definitely be applying in Canada again next year (no interviews on this past cycle) - hoping for Queens or Ottawa.  I've got MSAR and would love to get your feedback once I've narrowed down a school list.


One thing that's a bit of a curveball is I got a 51 in 1st year chem, and from what I've read a lot of the DO schools have a requirement that all prerequisites be at least a 2.0 or higher.  I'm trying to contact them individually to see if they can overlook that requirement due to my upward trend in GPA and decent MCAT, but not sure what they will say.  If not, I'll probably try to retake it somewhere this summer.  Have you ever heard any stories of schools overlooking a low prereq grade?

Edited for Error:


All USDO schools require your pre-req to be at least  C standing. Exceptions can be made i'm sure if you have upper levels in that subject perhaps.


I would contact individual schools and find out for sure.

But the good news is, if you do need to retake it, you do not need to have it done before you apply, just before you can matriculate. I would however try to get it done during the summer - if that turns out to be the case.

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Thanks very much ubc, I appreciate the feedback.  Yup, I will definitely be applying in Canada again next year (no interviews on this past cycle) - hoping for Queens or Ottawa.  I've got MSAR and would love to get your feedback once I've narrowed down a school list.


One thing that's a bit of a curveball is I got a 51 in 1st year chem, and from what I've read a lot of the DO schools have a requirement that all prerequisites be at least a 2.0 or higher.  I'm trying to contact them individually to see if they can overlook that requirement due to my upward trend in GPA and decent MCAT, but not sure what they will say.  If not, I'll probably try to retake it somewhere this summer.  Have you ever heard any stories of schools overlooking a low prereq grade?

Look into your options at Univ. Calgary, i know they drop your lowest year. So you would have 4-5 years of good grades and the 3.0 in your 2nd year. Your 11 vr would make the cut-off i believe for OOP. Your ecs seems decent and diverse, so can't hurt considering that school! You might get lucky!

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Thanks UBC!  I'll look into retaking that chem course this summer while I apply to the US.  I had only applied in Ontario before, which mostly don't have course prereqs (except Ottawa - I'll have to check with them if they are OK with my super low chem mark)


Unfortunately, for Calgary it looks like they are only accepting the new MCAT.  I'm planning on waiting to see how the others schools will handle the old MCAT before I decide if I'll retake that beast.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey UBC (or anyone else who wants to chime in) - still up for giving me some feedback on my school list?  Here's what I'm thinking right now (in order of how many internationals they interviewed last year, according to MSAR):




Penn State

Wayne State


Case Western Reserve

Albert Einstein


U of Virginia

U of Kentucky

Thomas Jefferson

SUNY Upstate




Rosalind Franklin


U of Colorado

George Washington











Appreciate any thoughts you guys have on that list (too many reaches?) based on my states above!

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Hey UBC (or anyone else who wants to chime in) - still up for giving me some feedback on my school list?  Here's what I'm thinking right now (in order of how many internationals they interviewed last year, according to MSAR):




Penn State

Wayne State


Case Western Reserve

Albert Einstein


U of Virginia

U of Kentucky

Thomas Jefferson

SUNY Upstate




Rosalind Franklin


U of Colorado

George Washington











Appreciate any thoughts you guys have on that list (too many reaches?) based on my states above!

USMD list looks fine.

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Hey UBC (or anyone else who wants to chime in) - still up for giving me some feedback on my school list?  Here's what I'm thinking right now (in order of how many internationals they interviewed last year, according to MSAR):




Penn State

Wayne State


Case Western Reserve

Albert Einstein


U of Virginia

U of Kentucky

Thomas Jefferson

SUNY Upstate




Rosalind Franklin


U of Colorado

George Washington











Appreciate any thoughts you guys have on that list (too many reaches?) based on my states above!

Any rhyme or reason to your USDO list?

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Any rhyme or reason to your USDO list?


Thanks for following up UBC... MSU is a no brainier with the Canadian Initiative, the others I selected based on the "Canadian friendly" list provided on the applying to DOs sticky.  I also have a prereq I need to retake, when I called KCUMB they told me I would need to have it complete before I applied, whereas the others were fine if it was complete prior to matriculation (I'll be taking it this summer).

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Are you of African heritage or demonstrated involvement in the African-Canadian/American community?

Nope, but I do have some volunteer experience working with undeserved communities.  You're right though, these might not be the best option for me - got a little caught up looking at their lower GPA cutoffs.


I will trade Boston for Emory, the odd for you at Emory is better.

The stats on MSAR for them were pretty similar, and I love Boston, so that was what boosted it for me - thanks for the feedback though, I may add Emory back into the list.


I doubt gtown will look at you or penn

Expand the list, add Vandy too

Vandy is a tough one for me - my sGPA will probably be around 3.55 due to that brutal first year, so that's what kept them off my list.


Thanks all for your input.

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Thanks for following up UBC... MSU is a no brainier with the Canadian Initiative, the others I selected based on the "Canadian friendly" list provided on the applying to DOs sticky. I also have a prereq I need to retake, when I called KCUMB they told me I would need to have it complete before I applied, whereas the others were fine if it was complete prior to matriculation (I'll be taking it this summer).

I think someone at KCU told you wrong, I would definitely apply to them. You dont need it done before you apply.

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You're right.  I double checked my notes, and it was UNECOM that told me I needed it done before I apply, not KCUMB, so I'll definitely add them to the list.

Good call KCU is a very solid school, the new dean is going to make them even better with respect to board scores etc (which are important for Canadians studying in the US). They interview quite a few Canadians as well and COA is one of the lowest - total package haha.

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ALL US(MD and DO) schools require your pre-req to be at least  C+ standing. 


I'm fairly sure this is the same thing for any Canadian schools that require pre-reqs? (I know for sure for UBC)


So yes, you will have to retake that for every US school that requires it(Which is 99% of them). But the good news is, you do not need to have it done before you apply, just before you can matriculate. I would however try to get it done during the summer.


FYI Gohan, most of the USMD schools I have contacted on my list are telling me that they don't have a minimum grade requirement for their pre-reqs, it seems to be mostly just the DO schools.  In terms of Canada, UBC also told me they have no minimum requirement for the pre-reqs.  Good news for me :).  Just figured I'd let ya know.

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FYI Gohan, most of the USMD schools I have contacted on my list are telling me that they don't have a minimum grade requirement for their pre-reqs, it seems to be mostly just the DO schools.  In terms of Canada, UBC also told me they have no minimum requirement for the pre-reqs.  Good news for me :).  Just figured I'd let ya know.

Thanks for pointing that out!!!!! - I have edited my original response to remove that misinformation.


First off my apologies, that typo should have said "C" - but I suppose you're right it was only universally true for USDO schools...which is odd, since I know friends in the US and Canada in dentistry that have said the "C" minimum requirement for pre-reqs. I assumed medicine programs would be the same.


As for UBC, I was told indirectly that they wanted a "C" in pre-reqs, and wrongly assumed that was correct! (I mean, why would anyone lie about that haha).


You are correct that it is not a universal stance for MD schools, for example, Manitoba wants a C for their biochem pre-req, but other Canadian MD schools don't make statements on it.  


It could only help you though to retake it, but you'll have to make the calculated risk and decide for yourself.



Nonetheless, boy, do I feel silly!! 


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