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U Of T Cap Invitations Sent!

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Yea, as expected, they can't tell me why I didn't get an invite, just that I didn't receive one. They did mention that all of the invites have gone out and couldn't say whether more invites would be going out as people decline. So ambiguous lol.


I guess I'll just have to keep my fingers crossed for UofA an Mac!

Did they confirm your sGPA to be 3.89 & that the cut off for interviews was 3.8? That's so frustrating & confusing why you didn't receive an invite :/ 

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Yup, 3.89 is what they had on file, and I'm still in undergrad so the course levels shouldn't be an issue. I saw one of my reference letters from my prof and it was perfect, the other was my volunteer coordinator and though I didn't see the letter, she's always given me glowing recommendations.


I was pretty choked about not getting an invite last week, but hopefully some good news comes from other schools. I understand with the amount of applications they get it'd be hard to tell everyone what happened with each app. I'm just hoping to hear good news from Mac now!

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Are any of the people who aren't receiving invites students who have graduated and are taking many courses to upgrade their marks? I know that Toronto asks that courses used for upgrades/GPA improvements should be upper year courses and maybe that has something to do with it? Perhaps they calculate the GPA without those courses? Thats all I can think of apart from that they haven't released all the emails yet.


I don't think so, I took courses from different years and I received an invite (3.88). Also had an upgraded second year course within my final 60 credits although the first time I took the course was over 3 years ago. 

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I received an invite to write the CAP at UofT, but my GPA is near the cut-off, any ideas about the chances of being accepted, I realize I would need a really good CAP score. Any insight? Thanks!


Prepare for the CAP as much as you can! Read up on the field of physiotherapy (OPA, CPA, college of PT websites), the different divisions of physiotherapy, scope of physiotherapy, general trends in healthcare. Reflect on why you want to be a PT. What skills will make you be a good PT? What experiences in the past will help you become a successful physiotherapist? Read up on the 8 competencies of a PT.  

You also have to type fairly fast (with minimal grammar errors/typos) on the CAP so if that's a concern for you, I would practise! 


Hope this helps! 

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