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Do I Have Any Chances? (Do Or Med)

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Right but they were saying their A+ don't get counted as A+s...



Which unless I'm drastically misunderstanding, means that 4.33 should be counted as 4.0...


Edit: I see what you mean. But OP made it seem like the GPA scale in Alberta disadvantaged him/her, when it definitely does not. The same thing would happen on any scale.

Yeah exactly, it doesn't. They meant their GPA would be higher if other schools made A+ = 4.33, like their home institution does. Which is unreasonable since the majority of schools in NA don't.

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Yeah exactly, it doesn't. They meant their GPA would be higher if other schools made A+ = 4.33, like their home institution does. Which is unreasonable since the majority of schools in NA don't.

It's unreasonable because it's a different scale. Counting it as 4.33 would be like giving bonus marks haha.


Sorry for the diversion OP!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kill 5th year so to speak for your non academics and get the equivilant of a 33+ MCAT on the new one, and you're competitive at every school in north america lol, barring the few research heavy USMD schools.


Relax. Just ace the MCAT(or a few points above the mean)and you're on easy street

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Hi Gohan,


Thank you for your words of encouragement. I should also mention that my course load breakdown is as follows:


1st year - 24 (plus 6 in the summer)

2nd year - 27 (plus 6 in the summer)

3rd year - 30 (plus 6 in the summer)

4th year - 30


Now in terms of my fifth year, I may only need to take ~18-24 credits in terms of fulfilling the remaining US and CDN school requirements. However, with how competitive it is I am wondering if I will be at a disadvantage if I take fewer than 30 credits in my fifth year. Off the top of my head, I can only think of Ottawa and Western that would be directly affected (wGPA formula and full course load with 3/5 rule) but I would not want to close any doors as I would prefer to attend school somewhere in Ontario. Also, I am unsure how it would be viewed in the US to take less than a full course load if I end up having to apply there.


Any thoughts?


Thanks, again.

Looks good!


Just take the full course load, so you keep UWO and ottawa open. Just pick your courses wisely.  


That way you can keep your chances for Ontario, as that would be the best option from many perspectives.

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