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Pre-Requis Sciences Admission

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Bonjour à tous,


Je suis confus par rapport aux pré-requis nécessaires pour appliquer en médecine.


J'ai complété mon DEC en sciences de la nature de 2006 à 2008 suivi d'un bac et doctorat en microbiologie que je vais compléter à l'été 2016.


Je compte déposer une demande d'admission pour l'automne 2016, mais je me demande si le comité d'admission va considérer mon dossier comme ayant eu mes pré-requis du CEGEP fait il y a plus de 8 ans...


Merci de m'éclairer si quelqu'un peut m'aider

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Hi kenjuro. You really need to contact the admissions office and ask. My prereqs were out of date as well, since I did a PhD. The med admissions office sent my transcript to the registrar's office to be analyzed. They only asked me to take organic chemistry (cegep-level) since I had never taken it.

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No, this is the leg work that needs to be done before you apply. I contacted both McGill and Laval during the summer last year to find out which courses they would want me to take (or re-take). If I had waited, it would definitely have been too late to take a course in the Fall session to satisfy McGill's requirements (coursework must be completed by Jan. 15th). I asked McGill for leniency this year since Laval insisted I take their o-chem course in the winter session (admission contingent upon successfully completing the course) and they said "no". Apparently you used to be able to do this at McGill (I know a friend who did), but now they're pretty strict about the Jan. 15th deadline. I guess they were worried I would bomb CEGEP-level o-chem. Sigh.

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