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Starting Right At 8Am


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Really silly question, but can you walk into the exam room just before 8am?

I hear that people get to the testing centre real early (not a bad idea), and so start like a half hour before the "actual" test begins.


If all tests begin at 8am now, can one actually start at 8am?


i.e. I know you should be mindful of traffic, etc etc. and being early is never a bad idea, etc etc., but would it be alright if you walked in there at 7:57am, which would effectively get you started with the fingerprinting, ID, signature stuff only as of that point?


PLEASE SOMEBODY LET ME KNOW. I just don't know much about the logistics. Thanks. 



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My experience: I booked a test at a downtown testing site within 10min from me. Two weeks before the actual test, my exam got moved to another testing center that required more than 1hr of commuting or 30 min driving (but since I don't drive, it doesn't help). So I was already pissed about that when the testing center called and told me I needed to be there 45 mins before the test starts because there's all sorts of "procedures" that needed to be done. Meaning I'd have to leave home at 6AM if I wanted to get to the test on time.


Here's what really happens. The "procedure" is basically getting you to read the testing rules, sign more confidentiality stuff, and taking your picture. It took less than 5 mins. They can start the test as late as 8:30, but probably no later since it's a 7h30min test and the testing center workers want to go home.


Yeah, I was kinda pissed when I found out.

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Jeez I'm sorry about your experience! It sucks that they changed that on you. :/


Was this your recent experience (this year, for the 2015 session)?


You are sure that they can start students "as late as 8:30?" - not that I mean to start at that time... BUT I hope to start at 8 and not have to go in at 7:30am and start like 20 mins before the "actual" start time of 8:00am. Does that make sense? Thanks so much for your input. 




And IF anybody else happens to know about this, please post and let me know!

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The testing center people told me that 8:30 is latest time they can start when I spoke to them on the phone. Best bet for you is to call your testing center and make sure it's okay.


This was my experience taking the test on April 17 this year.

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