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25 w/ MBA - thinking about MD school - am I nuts?

Guest puckerleafs44

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Guest puckerleafs44

Hi !!


I'm 25, graduated about a year ago with an MBA and undergrad BA - went that way as opposed to med for a couple reasons. One year into my job I realize I made the wrong call:( ......am I nuts for toying with the idea about pursuing med school as a career change?


specifically if anyone can help with the prerequisite classes for med school....what do you need? I've got a great GPA for all university classes, but what sciences do you need?


Any help would be appreciated...

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You must be nuts, you have an MBA and you want to change careers after only 1 year of working with it!!


No, I'm just kidding. There are somethings in life that just clicks and all of a sudden you feel that that just isn't really for you.


Well, with regards to the pre-reqs. It depends on which school you want to apply to. There are some schools (eg: Calgary) that don't require you to do pre-reqs but do RECOMMEND you to have courses like chemistry (inorganic and organic), biochemistry, statistics, physics. So, your question may be too broad to be answered. Maybe you could tell us which schools you are interested in going into and you could narrow down your search.


Just out of curiousity, what specialty did you do for the MBA? What type of job was it that you worked for year and felt that you wanted to change careers?



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Guest macMDstudent

I would suggest you check the prerequisites for each school you are interested in. In Ontario the OMSAS website spells them out for each of the 5 medical schools.


As far as the whole idea applying to med school goes, I would say its never too late! Do you really want to spend the rest of your life thinking "What if?" I started my first year when I was 33 years old, married with small kids. There is a student in 3rd year at Mac who is 52 years old. His daughter finished the Mac MD program the same year he started it!


If you know you don't like something, how long is the right amount of time to suffer in it before cutting it loose? I would suggest though, that you take a good look at the financial situation because medical tuition is going nowhere but up and if you have a large debt load from your MBA, you will have to be comfortable living with mega-debt. You will also have to consider how much you like being a student because you are in for at least 5-10 more years of being a student again.


If you think medicine is your calling, in my opinion you should try applying. One thing is for sure; if you don't apply there is NO chance you will be accepted. To me it seems the worst that can happen is you don't get accepted, but at least you will always know you tried. That's the attitude I started the process with, anyway.

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Guest puckerleafs44

HI !!!


Thanks for the positive replies !!! I am looking more closely at schools individually to determine how suited I am.....


To answer your questions - I've been working for a drug company for awhile now - interacting with GP's on a daily basis and have REALLY realized I missed the boat on what I want to do......


I did my MBA in Finance but I picked business over science due to playing sports in University (easy way out).


I figure if I can upgrade my pre-req's over the next year or so and get into fall 2005 I can be done med school by the time I'm 30 which is very reasonable.....


My main concern at this point is evaluating what it takes to get in and whether it is worth getting everything together and applying for it.

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