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Some Questions And School List Input

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So I'm looking at applying to US schools this cycle and I had a few questions. First, what are my chances with these stats? I have a 3.89 cGPA (5 years of undergrad) and 35 MCAT (12/12/11). EC's include ~550 hours of volunteering over 5 years and varsity sports (~1100 hours over 2 years). I figure my academics are good, but would the lack of research and shadowing hurt my chances a lot?


Also, how many references do I need, and from whom? From what I understand they don't have to be submitted until we send in secondaries, is that correct?


I've made a preliminary list of schools to apply to, if anyone could let me know how it looks that'd be great. I'm looking to apply to around 25 and don't really want to waste money on more than a couple top tier schools. 


Albert Einstein


New York Medical College


Wayne State

Central Michigan

Rosalind Franklin

George Washington 


Loma Linda

Michigan State 


Case Western


Penn State

Boston Uni




Saint Louis

Sidney Kimmel

Stony Brook




Virginia Commonwealth


John Hopkins


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Also take into consideration geographical distance from your current residence. For instance, Hawaii and Loma Linda--which IIRC is a California school, can be quite costly when it comes to interviews, moving, etc. and being so far from home. Just a thought.


MCAT and GPA are solid.


ECs should be ok.


Definitely get some shadowing, I am guessing here but maybe 20-25 hrs would be sufficient. From what I've read clinical experience/shadowing is important to US schools.


Research is an asset as it seems more and more pre-meds have it, however I am not sure how much of a factor it is.

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Get rid of tulane. They don't accept Canadians unless they have strong ties. Waste of primary and secondary money. I should have listened when people told me likewise. 


In regards to requirements to some of these schools, make sure u double check. I know for some US schools, they required like 2.5 credits (5 courses) in social sciences or some nonsense like that.


Some schools require that you have a LOR from a MD, and if you haven't shadowed, then you probably won't have one.



Get a LOR from someone who you know a lot. I got one from 2 profs and 1 employer who have known me and whom I have worked with for 2+ years. 

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yes, i believe that is true.

Your lack of research would hurt you at research intensive schools. on your list, these schools are:

Case western, Virginia, Boston U, Emory, Duke, Hopkins, einstein.


Your lack of shadowing will hurt you at all of the schools on your app. Make sure you get it down before you submit!


Your list is too bottom heavy imo. Add a few more mid-tier schools. 


Although tbh idk what schools are considered 'mid-teir'

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So I'm looking at applying to US schools this cycle and I had a few questions. First, what are my chances with these stats? I have a 3.89 cGPA (5 years of undergrad) and 35 MCAT (12/12/11). EC's include ~550 hours of volunteering over 5 years and varsity sports (~1100 hours over 2 years). I figure my academics are good, but would the lack of research and shadowing hurt my chances a lot?


Also, how many references do I need, and from whom? From what I understand they don't have to be submitted until we send in secondaries, is that correct?


I've made a preliminary list of schools to apply to, if anyone could let me know how it looks that'd be great. I'm looking to apply to around 25 and don't really want to waste money on more than a couple top tier schools. 


Albert Einstein


New York Medical College


Wayne State

Central Michigan

Rosalind Franklin

George Washington 


Loma Linda

Michigan State 


Case Western


Penn State

Boston Uni




Saint Louis

Sidney Kimmel

Stony Brook




Virginia Commonwealth


John Hopkins

1. I don't have any research or shadowing on my applications, I interviewed and waitlisted at Case Western 2014-2015 cycle.


2. I think you need 8 to 10 reference letters for your schools list above, bacause each school need different letters from.

    In total, Some schools only accept 3 letters, some 4, some 5, some 6, some no limit.

    For professors, Some schools need 3 professors, some 2, some just need 1,

    some schools accept family friend for reference, most don't,

    you better add 3 reference from hospital or volunteering and job.

    For professors, at least 2 science and one non-science, better from your faculty professors or associate professors, not assistant professor unless it's your advisor.

    For schools without limit, send 6 to 10 reference letters, don't over kill.


    YES, you can add your schools list and reference letters after submitting your AMCAS primary application.


    AMCAS will not forward your application to MD schools until

    1. Your AMCAS primary application is completed and your transcripts were verified by AMCAS.


    Each MD school will not review your application until

    2. Secondary application completed and all reference letters for this school were all arrived


3. You have balanced good list, I will remove SUNY-Stony Brook, which won't accept Canadian as I know.


4. Add Jefferson, your chance for interview is more than 50%, in my knowledge But I didn't apply to.


5. I WILL remove Hawaii and add a MD school in Florida, just to save air flight. Just my opinion.


Good luck.

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Almost ALL private US MD schools don't have international tuition fees if they accept Canadian, around US45~55k per year, like Harvard, Yale, Columbia, Dartmouth, North Western, but not all private MD schools accept Canadian.


Almost ALL state university MD schools charged MUCH higher international tuition fees if they accept Canadian, around US$55~75k per year, like SUNY-xx, xx state.



SUNY-STONY BROOK, SUNY-BUFFALO don't accept Canadian.

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