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Do You Get Punished For Taking Lower Year Courses?

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I recently switched out of my specialization -- as a result I can't really take a lot of 300 level courses in my new program since I'm missing the required prereqs. So now my fall courseload is 3 courses at my level (300) and my winter courseload is 1 course at my level. Is this bad and will it affect my chances of getting in? I'm applying this year!

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I'm in (sort of ) the same position. I completed my first year, and recently transferred universities, as a result I have to take many 1st year courses again, but I'm thinking of applying in my 3rd year if I'm done my mcat. 


According to many of the websites I've checked, they state three-full time undergraduate years as prereqs. So technically any undergraduate years that are full time should count regardless of which level courses are. Now UofT specifically stated most of your courses should be at your level of study, but they have an academic explanations part, where we can give reasons for this!


Good luck

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I took lots of lower level courses in my fourth year and it didn't matter at all for UofT... Just need to get the grade and DAT cut-off scores - this is only from personal experience though! Haven't asked anybody about it at the school.

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