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If you could be so kind...

Guest Aurora

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...as to give me some advice/guidance, it would be greatly appreciated.


I'm a third year biochem major, I've always wanted to go into medicine, but with a first year gpa of 3.18 and 2nd year about the same, I really don't think i'll make it into medschool.


I'll try for sure, I wont give up so easily. But I guess you could say I want to prepare myself for that always looming possibility that I wont get in. So I'm trying to look at different programs, I could go into via my bsc in biochem or switching into them asap. I'm not too keen about going on with biochemistry, i've looked into becoming a dietician, I really like the job description, and its something that will give me 'real people' work if i dont get into medicine. Working in a lab/research doesn't really appeal to me. But the program isn't offered anywhere 'close' to me, and i'm reluctant to go for it because due to the hardships/burdens that would present to my family.


Does anyone out there have any other suggestions/ideas for me ?

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Spend a few hours surfing the web! Tons of useful information is out there. Just a couple starting points:


www.michener.ca for a whole host of health careers, www.on.hrdc-drhc.gc.ca/en...tml#skill3 for a list of health professions along with employment prospects and average salaries for each


And if your criterion is just "working with people" and not necessarily health, there are obviously hundreds of different careers out there :)

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Guest Shahenshah

just so you know that if you can nail a good academic year this time around and just next year, you might have undid your past at schools like western and queens..so do look at that possibility..the other possibility is to choose a future route that you are interested in that will help you get good marks..that way, you are still able to apply to med school and also this time your fall back option would be something you don't mind doing..


Now to specifically answer your question of other professions that deal with 'real' people..well physical therapist, occupational therapist, and optometry are a few

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Hello Aurora:


I was in a situation close to the one you are 5 years ago (in my 3rd year of university). But I knew that what I wanted was med. So I had a plan, what I wanted was to work in health. So I researched those careers, mostly physical therapy and nursing as back up plans in case I did not get into med. Then I chose my second school very carefully. Somewhere that I though would not be ultra competitive.


Finally, I worked really hard in my last year so that when I finished my last year all I would need was 2 extra years of very good marks to get in (those 2 years in my new degree). I chose nursing as my second degree and things have worked out.


My only advice is, chose a second degree that you are interested in!!! Cannot emphasasize that enough. Nursing was not the career for me and at times it was hard to keep focused. But really if you want med, I think that a second degree would be a good idea (I was not a lab person either so a masters or PhD was out or the question)


There are at least 2 other people in my class that chose to do second degrees, after disastrous first ones :) So I know is possible, is just long....



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