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Cancelled Class

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Hi everyone :)


My wGPA is 3.96-3.97, however I cancelled one of my classes in third year of undergrad so it shows up as "CAN" on my transcript. The problem is I did not cancel the class because I couldn't handle the workload or anything similar to that. It was because I was visiting elderly hospitalized patients and I developed a meaningful relationship with one particular patient who was improving greatly with my help... I had to stop visiting this patient due to my class schedule and I thought, because I hadn't invested much effort in the course yet (hadn't written the midterms or paid for it yet), that I should just drop it and tend to this patient. I took a summer class to make up for the credit.


The point is, I do not want the admissions committee to look at my transcript and assume a cancelled course means that I was unable to handle the workload (which would result in an automatic rejection, probably). How can I go about explaining this to them within my application? It's tough because there's no essays or anything to express this.


Thanks in advance!


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