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Western Gpa

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Thanks guys. 


Ya, I know Western controls its pool by MCAT not GPA. I'm just trying to determine if the new MCAT will raise the GPA requirement. I doubt it though.....right? lol


There's no reason for the new MCAT to increase GPA requirements. The scores are standardized, same as before, and if the new section is considered, that would put downward pressure on the cutoffs for the other considerations.


That said, there's nothing stopping Western from raising its GPA requirements if that proves to be the best way for them to achieve their desired interview numbers. They've done it before, increasing the GPA cutoff to 3.75. With the applicant pool getting more competitive each year and Western running up against the plausible limits for MCAT cutoffs, GPA cutoff increases might be the next step.


I would be very surprised to see the GPA cutoff jump to 3.8 or higher. That would be a fairly significant bump in a single year. Still, there are no guarantees - if you've met or approached the previous years' cutoffs, best to apply and hope it works out in your favour.

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