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The Wait For Last Year's Stats Is Killllling Meeeeeee

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I echo this sentiment. I've been checking every couple days, and my fiancee told me he has started to get sidebar ads for mcat prep and Caribbean schools because he checks for the stats so often too.


Although, if I'm being realistic, I'm not sure what I'm hoping to get from knowing the stats. Nick, what are you looking forward to knowing?

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I echo this sentiment. I've been checking every couple days, and my fiancee told me he has started to get sidebar ads for mcat prep and Caribbean schools because he checks for the stats so often too.


Although, if I'm being realistic, I'm not sure what I'm hoping to get from knowing the stats. Nick, what are you looking forward to knowing?


How close I got last year :)

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Are you wanting to know the cut-offs for the scores to have an invite to MMI and then to be admitted? When I log in to UCAN those stats show up at the bottom of my screen.  


Would you mind sharing what the minimum score was to get an interview? I didn't get one last year so there are no stats on my UCAN page but i'd love to know how close I came to getting interviewed! 

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It is under my app status.  I was an accepted applicant so I am not sure if that makes a difference?  Maybe it is only showing up on people who got in or an invite?  


I guess so. Could I trouble you to post the post-mmi waitlist/accept cutoffs?

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It is under my app status.  I was an accepted applicant so I am not sure if that makes a difference?  Maybe it is only showing up on people who got in or an invite?  


Only if you got accepted I think. I had an invite (not accepted) and I do not have those numbers. 

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This is from my app status page as an accepted applicant:


Lowest NonAB Score of a Non-Albertan to receive a full file review: 
Lowest Pre-MMI Score of a Non-Albertan to receive an MMI Invitation: 109.45 
Lowest Pre-MMI Score of an Albertan to receive an MMI Invitation: 104.13 
Lowest Final Application Score of a Non-Albertan offered a place on the waitlist: 208.01 
Lowest Final Application Score of an Albertan offered a place on the waitlist: 207.36 
Lowest Final Application Score of a Non-Albertan admitted: 212.32 
Lowest Final Application Score of an Albertan admitted: 210

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This is from my app status page as an accepted applicant:


Lowest NonAB Score of a Non-Albertan to receive a full file review: 

Lowest Pre-MMI Score of a Non-Albertan to receive an MMI Invitation: 109.45 

Lowest Pre-MMI Score of an Albertan to receive an MMI Invitation: 104.13 

Lowest Final Application Score of a Non-Albertan offered a place on the waitlist: 208.01 

Lowest Final Application Score of an Albertan offered a place on the waitlist: 207.36 

Lowest Final Application Score of a Non-Albertan admitted: 212.32 

Lowest Final Application Score of an Albertan admitted: 210



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When do the scores come out historically?


Based on the blog post timestamps, September 4th, 2012; August 19th, 2013; September 19th, 2014. (These are all for the previous cycle, of course -- i.e. the cycles that ended in May of 2012/2013/2014.)

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Based on the blog post timestamps, September 4th, 2012; August 19th, 2013; September 19th, 2014. (These are all for the previous cycle, of course -- i.e. the cycles that ended in May of 2012/2013/2014.)


Oh no not the class stats, I meant the actually score on the applications that they rank applicants

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Oh no not the class stats, I meant the actually score on the applications that they rank applicants


If you're accepted, never (unless you make a FOIP request, I think); if you're rejected, not long after rejection (not more than a couple weeks; maybe immediately after; I can't remember).

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