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Hello, although I cannot comment on the difficulty of uOttawa Biology, here is just some general advice. I wouldn't recommend choosing your university based on degree of easiness of the program. Today, a lot of universities are very similar in terms of difficulty (with maybe the exception of UofT from what I hear).


I did Life Sciences at Queen's and it wasn't too difficult to pull off some high marks.


What is going to make you successful in university is finding out how you learn best and how to study most effectively. I believe that any program at any school could seem difficult without the right attitude when pursuing your studies.


Choose a program that you think you are going to love and visit multiple campuses, checkout libraries (for me a nice and quiet study spot was major key).


Stay focused on where you want to go and work hard at it, no matter what the school or the program you will make it. (eventually)

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I would agree with MDHopefulyMe. In general, it will be the applicant and not the program that will determine how well you do in university. I would advise you select something you are interested in and not just the easiest program. Undergrad is no sprint, it is a marathon and you will find out very quickly that if you love what you learn, the experience of undergrad will be that much more enjoyable. For me, I selected something I would enjoy so I would also have a backup plan. 

Just my two cents. 

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It seriously depends on your interest and work ethic. I decided to go into uottawa's biomedical sciences though I was warned multiple times that it's hard and that the second year drop-out rate was 50%. I'm now 3 years in and turns out I'm doing extremely well in it. 

I would say, do your own reaseach on uottawa's website to see the course sequence of each program to see how they fit your interests and what you want to do in your undergraduate years.

All in all, I do honestly suggest Biomed as it is a very health-centered, varied and flexible program, if that's what you're interested in!

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