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Should I Tell Schools That I Was Accepted To Another School Or Not?

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I have applied to U.S. and Canadian schools this year, and obviously the Canadian schools are just about to start the interviews and I was already accepted to some schools in the U.S in December. 

I know some schools like release the result really late, closer to summer (I know Dalhousie releases in late May-early June), and they release the results a bit earlier to Americans who have to pay second, third deposits to US schools. 


Being a Canadian, I don't know if I should let the schools know that I would need to know earlier because of schools in U.S or just risk it and leave it until summer to find out about Canadian schools? 


I am worried about this - in case I do not get into any Canadian school and having to look for a place, move to a state that is SUPER far away, and prepare for school, etc. will be so stressful. In case I get in, I would love to save thousands of dollars of deposit I put/will pay... 


Any advice? Do you think this might affect my result? 




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Sounds like you've just discovered the exact purpose of these deposits and deadlines. It's to discourage this type of behaviour (holding multiple seats and backing out last minute from a school, leaving them in a shitty position).


That said, it's a big decision, so there's actual cost vs. opportunity cost for you. At the end of the day, the money you spend holding your spot at your American school, while not insignificant, is trivial. For better or for worse, you do not get special treatment. You put your money where your mouth is or you commit to one or the other. That's it. To expect otherwise is misguided, to be honest.


Those who know me from years past know that I physically attended an American school for 3 weeks before eventually coming back to Toronto. I had tuition paid, an apartment, friends made, relationships established. Stressful, yes, but I made it work, and it could've been worse. Don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet, and if it does happen, try to deal with it in a manner that protects yourself.

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bottom line is don't tell them you got an acceptance if I am understanding this correctly (seems to be the advice others gave in the past as well).


Losing the money would suck but that is just how the system works unfortunately.  The major upside is of course - you have a position somewhere no matter what. That is cause for celebration :)

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