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French Vs English Stream

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I am debating whether to try to apply to University of Ottawa for admission after third year and if so what stream. I understand that the cut off for 2016 was a 3.85 for in province applicants in the english stream I know it was lower for the french stream, but does anyone know what it was for the french stream? 


I was in french immersion from grades 1-12 and graduated with a bilingual certificate, but I haven't taken science in french for years and have hardly practiced my french for 2 years so I am a bit rusty, but that should hopefully be fixed with some practice. Would I be alright in the french stream? Below is some information about by GPA. 



My first year GPA wasn't very good and only 3.46. 


In second year I raised my GPA to 3.96.


I currently have a weighted GPA of 3.79.


I know with my current wGPA there is no point in applying to the english stream, and if I wait another year I should hopefully bring it up to above 3.85. 



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I think you'd be fine in the French stream. Just make sure to practice your French, especially for the interview; do your best to avoid using English words (when possible, I mean sometimes it can't be avoided, hehe) and "les anglicismes".

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I'm currently a French Immersion high school teacher. Best bit of advice I can give you is to go find your city's francophone community and engage in it. Find out what events are being planned and either partake in the planning or just attend them. Make friends in the francophone community, volunteer, go watch plays. This will not only give you an accurate indicator of your level of comfort with French but will also provide you with the opportunity to practice it and improve.

Outside of our France exchange program, this is the same bit of advice that I give my current students.


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The WGPA cut-off for residents from the province of Ontario (including the Ottawa and Outaouais-Québec regions) – English program is 3.85/4.00.


The WGPA cut-off for residents from the province of Ontario (including the Ottawa and Outaouais-Québec regions) – French program is 3.60/4.00. 


Please note that the permanent address listed on the application form will be used to determine the geographical status of the applicants.  Applicants may be asked to provide evidence of geographical status.



I'm not sure about OOP. But it's prolly around the same?


Sorry for Highjacking the thread, but does anyone know what the OOP WGPA cutoff was for the french stream?

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