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I need some serious help...

Guest nonce

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I have one question left....the PBL question from Mac's school sbumission...and im screwed....i need some help....this is what i have......and i really dont know if i even answered the question...it seems so vague...any tips?


        "Problem based learning is driven by a student’s ability to employ the skills necessary for self-directed learning. Students must decide how much time, and information, is needed to fully ‘solve’ the problem. As a group, the scope of the problem is discussed. However, the student must research the area(s), allowing for an individualized learning style. Working in a group, but having the freedom to delve into the material in my own way will facilitate a better understanding of the information. As well, my personality flourishes when motivation is internally based. The result is a self-directed and disciplined individual; a person that will work well under a Problem-based learning style."


Sorry about this people...i hope im not being too pushy by asking this...i dont really know anyone who has any major knowledge on PBL, and searching the internet can only give you so much....anyways, thanks in advance for your help

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Guest dogeatdog12

It sounds good to me. I just don't know how much material they want you to write. I can only assume from what I wrote.


I think it's good, and hopefully you will get their attention. It might be a little vague, but the question is vague, I can't imagine many people who have too much experience with PBL.

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Guest Kirsteen

Hi there nonce,


I certainly haven't written an Mac submissions recently :) , but writing always seems to be a little more convincing, unique and memorable when you can inject some descriptive, preferably personal, experience. Can you draw upon any personal experiences involving self-directed learning that would befit this question?




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I agree with Kirsteen. Last year when I applied to Mac I tried to use personal examples to answer every question. So, for example, for problem based learning, I talked about my Master's and how I had to determine the direction of the project, do the research to figure out how to make things work, etc, etc. I can't remember exactly what the question is that you're trying to answer, but I would suggest trying to bring in an example of how you have met your idea of problem based learning. This could even be non-academic...

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Guest macMDstudent

I agree totally with Fox. It is so much easier for the reader of these things to an idea about the person writing it if there is an example that illustrates your experience with ANYTHING that can applied back to PBL. Being able to tie that in with how it will help you with the Mac program or in the practice of medicine would make it very easy to read and create an impression of yourself. Otherwise, it just seems like abstract philosophy that doesn't "grab" the reader.

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